This is a new one.

So we’re all used to Jenny’s middle-of-the-night ramblings, but tonight (this morning?) I thought I’d treat you to some of mine.

It’s 3:00 a.m. I woke up about an hour ago, thanks to some serious wind and rain, which I was sure was a tornado. According to our local tv station, though, it was only a severe thunderstorm warning. What does that even mean? I’m pretty sure that if it’s a thunderstorm, we’ll know. And it doesn’t seem very action-oriented. I mean, should we have found shelter from the… thunder?

Anyway, since then I haven’t been able to go to sleep, which is quasi-unusual for me. I am generally a pretty good sleeper. In fact, I consider it one of my primary talents. It’s failing me tonight, though.

Want to know what is keeping me up? This BLOG.

When I woke up, I had been dreaming about a giveaway for the new movie “Tangled” that I’m supposed to do. Yes, you read that right. I can’t sleep because I’m supposed to blog about movie clips and associated t-shirts and silly bandz (stayed tuned tomorrow! Or maybe the next day…) I have about 10 more reviews/giveaways that I need to get up, like, yesterday and it is stressing me out.

Over-committed much?

Unfortunately, while the thought of blog posts yet to do is keeping me awake, I don’t really have the mental fortitude to actually do any of them right now.

So instead, you get a stream-of-consciousness blog post. Yay!

I also don’t feel well. I’ve been thinking for a few days that I’m coming down with something. But I really don’t have time to be sick. And with the recent decision to start bringing Sam to the daycare near my work (which btw, this almost-illness was surely caused by the soup I ate last week that was prepared by the children at said daycare. I should have totally turned around and left immediately when I noticed that I was the ONLY PARENT THERE. Hello new daycare mom, you are a sucker!) , there is really no point in taking a sick day, because I’d either have to a) drive 40 minutes to drop him off and then drive 40 minutes home and then do it all again at 5:00 or b) keep him home with me. And we all know how restful that would be. So off to work I will go.


The weather has calmed down now, and the sounds from outside have gone from alarming to relaxing. Perhaps I will be able to sleep now. You know, if my husband isn’t snoring and I can actually hear the rain on the roof.

Before I sign off this completely pointless post, I would like to point out one thing. When I awoke earlier, in the midst of dreaming about my to-do list, and heard the storm going on outside – despite my I-just-woke-up disorientation – I was immediately so thankful for having a warm, dry, safe home for my children.

Isn’t that just about all we can ask?

And on that note, I’m going to sleep.

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4 Replies to “This is a new one.”

  1. I am also an excellent sleeper, my husband refers to at as my hobby. When I can’t sleep I’m almost mad, like someone (not really sure who?) is taking somthing from me!

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