The Yogi wears pajamas

Ever since I begrudgingly began exercising to lose this last bit of baby weight (and by bit I mean massive amount of fat below my bellybutton), Sophie has started to want to exercise as well. Monkey see, monkey do, I guess!  She does her best to get in my way while I do Pilates, and she’s really into the Wii Fit Plus.  She’s even begun exploring lots of Wii Fit activities that I would never dream of doing!  Which is why, when I came downstairs after taking a shower a couple of days ago, I found her in her piggy pajamas doing this:

That’s right, it’s the Tree pose in Yoga.

And apparently, it’s a little tiring after awhile!

(Not that I would know personally.)

Joshua has also gotten on the Yoga train!  He is actually doing it as I type this. Crazy kids! Next they’ll both be wearing caftans and going by Native American names.

We’ve been having lots of fun Wii Fitting each night as a family – I am quite fab at the Hula Hoop, Bobby excels at the Obstacle Course, Sophie rocks the Tilt City, and Joshua loves Ski Jumping.

What are your favorite games on Wii Fit?

And don’t say Yoga!

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All I want for Easter

I am fairly sure parts of this post may be sacreligious, and for that, I am truly sorry.

But people, I am NOT in my right mind here.

Because I’ve been exercising. Not just my Pilates, but Wii Fit also.  And I’ve been eating better AND only having ONE can of pop a day. ONE!

It’s not that fun.  But, I have lost about three pounds.  So I will soldier on.

As much as one can soldier on while curled up in the fetal position crying for the want of a Cadbury Creme Egg and a Mountain Dew.

Because I want. It’s Easter season and my new “healthy lifestyle” has made my focus veer away from the spiritual and toward the sugarful.

I dream of floating in a Mountain Dew ocean surrounded by little Cadbury Creme eggs bobbing around me…

I need help. HELP!

And some oval-shaped milk chocolate filled with liquified sugar made to look like egg yolk.


(You know what’s really sad? This isn’t even the first post I’ve written about Cadbury Creme eggs!  This is.  And the Dew posts are countless, I’m sure.)

Easter Bunny, can ya feel me?  Hop on over!

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Let the games begin. And by “games” I mean “torture”.

It’s a good thing it’s a well-established fact that I’m narcissistic, or else I might have to write a really long background to this post.

But, you all already know I’m into me. So.

Monday I started Operation HoboNot, which is my campaign to lose this last 15 lbs of baby weight (I gained 43).  So, I started exercising.  Which I hate.  Also a well-established fact.

I started doing Pilates, which is about the only form of exercise I can tolerate and stick with.  And let me just tell you, my core is hatin’ life right now. OWWW!  Tomorrow I am gonna take a day off the ol’ (non-existent, stretched out) abs and do an upper body Pilates workout.  Also, I would suggest if you have hardwood floors and haven’t done Pilates in ohh saaaaaaaaaay roundabout two years, you should use TWO Pilates mats instead of one.  Ow my back!

I’ve been *trying* to cut down on pop.  Well-documented fact # 3: I looooves me some sugar.  Especially when it is carbonated and ice cold.  So I’m trying to limit myself to one a day.  I’ll admit I’m not always successful.  When I’m really stressed, I go for a Mountain Dew or a Coke!  But, since I cut down on the pop 3 weeks ago, I lost 6 lbs.  It really DOES make a difference.  I don’t eat that badly but I *drink* a lot of calories!

Why can’t I live in a world where I can drink three Mountain Dews a day and sit on my butt and maintain a movie-star physique?


I’m trying to get back to me, but I have to do a lot of totally not-me things to get there.  Oh, the irony!  Will it be worth it?? Only time will tell.  Let the games begin!

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