The Yogi wears pajamas

Ever since I begrudgingly began exercising to lose this last bit of baby weight (and by bit I mean massive amount of fat below my bellybutton), Sophie has started to want to exercise as well. Monkey see, monkey do, I guess!  She does her best to get in my way while I do Pilates, and she’s really into the Wii Fit Plus.  She’s even begun exploring lots of Wii Fit activities that I would never dream of doing!  Which is why, when I came downstairs after taking a shower a couple of days ago, I found her in her piggy pajamas doing this:

That’s right, it’s the Tree pose in Yoga.

And apparently, it’s a little tiring after awhile!

(Not that I would know personally.)

Joshua has also gotten on the Yoga train!  He is actually doing it as I type this. Crazy kids! Next they’ll both be wearing caftans and going by Native American names.

We’ve been having lots of fun Wii Fitting each night as a family – I am quite fab at the Hula Hoop, Bobby excels at the Obstacle Course, Sophie rocks the Tilt City, and Joshua loves Ski Jumping.

What are your favorite games on Wii Fit?

And don’t say Yoga!

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14 Replies to “The Yogi wears pajamas”

    1. Bethany, this would require me to exercise for an HOUR! 20 minutes and I clock out, baby. But that is a crapload of calories! Hubby bought me the real Zumba (not for Wii) but I have been too scared to try it!

  1. This made me think of something from yesterday. My kids were practicing writing similes and one little girl wrote the following simile:
    “The flower was as peaceful as a hippie doing yoga.” Ha!

    1. I feel Kate’s pain. As a “real” gamer, when I ask Colin about getting a Wii, he says, “What’s the point?” Tell Kate someone else is equally deprived.

  2. Our family loves the Snowball Fight and I am a fan of Rhythm Parade. We are all terrible at floating down the river in the big bubble…

    1. Maria I am afraid next time we hang out it is actually going to be an intervention and you are gonna go all Zumba on my @$$ now that you are certified. I am skeered!!

  3. I LOVE Zumba! But I did the real zumba, because I don’t have the Wii. Although with a fractured tail bone I haven’t done much of any exercise, maybe I should try Yoga! I do enjoy boxing with Josie on the Kinect, I can honestly say my 4 1/2 year old kicks my hind end at boxing!! So much fun!!

  4. We also are “the only people in the world” without a Wii. And we don’t have DVR. (I’m no snob, I would love either or both.) With central air, I figure we’re still one-up on the house I grew up in! So, I can’t weigh in on a favorite game. BUT, I just had to say BWHAHA! to this line: “Next they’ll both be wearing caftans and going by Native American names.” Good one. 🙂

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