Wii may be a Little Out of Shape


For those of you who haven’t heard, Santa brought a Wii and a Wii Fit Plus to my house for Christmas! Actually, it was the Thrifty Mama – I won her giveaway and I was BEYOND thrilled!! Joshua was super-excited when he opened it.

The first game I was excited to play was bowling. I loooooove bowling but I am TERRIBLE at it. So I was pretty sure Wii bowling was going to be my redemption.

It is SO much fun!! I LOVED it just like I knew I would.

But perhaps I put a little too much enthusiasm into it, because, after the first two games, my left hip and my right shoulder were KILLING me. Old lady alert! Soon, we were off to my grandma’s house and we left the Wii behind. But late that night when we returned home we fired it up for some more bowling fun.

The first time I “threw” the ball, I screamed in pain. Holy Shoulder Batman! Why didn’t someone tell me I needed to STRETCH first!? Fake bowling is SERIOUS stuff!

Over the weekend I played approximately 478 games of Wii bowling. I am getting pretty good, (though not as good as my five-year-old, who bowled a TURKEY and beat me by 30 points last night!!) but last night when I went to bed both my shoulders were KILLING me. The last game Bobby and I played before bed, I played SITTING DOWN on the floor to make myself use less force when I threw. My right shoulder was BURNING! I need some Ben Gay! And some GERITOL!

Needless to say, I am hopelessly out of shape. It is time to fire up that Wii Fit Plus! I gotta get buff so my body can support my Wii bowling habit!

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The Lion’s Mane is Overrated

Yesterday I had an amazingly wonderful experience. It was relaxing, soothing, and practically religious.

I got my hair cut!

Yep, that’s it. I got my hair cut. And it was waaaaaay overdue. It had been *gulp* almost four months since I’d made the time to go get it done! Crazy! Now I like my hair long, but I should still get it cut every 8-10 weeks, not every 16. It was looking pretty scraggly. And I was feeling pretty scraggly. So while I was there, I made an appointment for NEXT time – 8 weeks – and went ahead and put it on the calendar (January 7th!) so that next time I won’t look like Rapunzel tried to cut her own hair with a pair of kitchen shears when I go in. So that my hair won’t get so heavy (it’s really thick, y’all) that it hurts my scalp if I wear it down two days in a row. And so that I’ll look nice and feel good about myself. And so that I’ll make sure to at least have that 60 minutes in that chair just for me.

So, here’s my new haircut. Not that I can ever flat iron it this straight, and anyway I am much too lazy to flat iron it every day, but it’s a great cut and it’ll look great curly too! I love it!


Oh, and this haircut? Cost me $20! Go see my awesome stylist Janelle for a great cut & style at a great price!

And go read more frump-fighting posts at Fight the Frump Friday at Blissfully Domestic! And link up your own frump-fighting posts!

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You only get one face, unless you’re Joan Rivers

Fight the frump friday at Blissfully Domestic

It’s time for me to get on my soapbox here, friends. Or my facewashbox to be more accurate. My dear readers, and lady friends, I want you to take care of your FACE! Unless you are Joan Rivers or Tori Spelling, the face God gave you is the only one you’re gonna get. So you have to take care of your skin!! Besides, even if you could, why would you want to look like this??

joan_rivers_full 1

I mean, really? I am thinking she should’ve quite while she was ahead! Yee-ikes!

But anyhoo. No matter how fugly I get, you will never catch anyone operating on my face or injecting it with botulism (aka Botox). NOT HAPPENING. But I am doing everything I can to make sure it won’t be necessary, by taking care of my dang skin! I didn’t start until I was 30, but now I am full-on in the game. So here is my advice on how to take care of your skin so you still look like a very attractive you when you are 50!

1) CLEANSE – wash your face morning and night
2) EXFOLIATE – use a product that will slough off the dead skin a couple of times a week at least (I am addicted to Mary Kay’s microdermabrasion. It is like the BEST feeling ever! If you like liquid sandpaper to get all the dead stuff of your face, WHICH I DO!)
3) MOISTURIZE – day and night!
4) PROTECT – use a product with suncscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. Any damage you do today, you won’t see for 10 years. So in order to avoid waking up with some big-a** crows feet in 2019, start using a product with sunscreen!
5) STAY THE CRAP AWAY FROM THE TANNING BED! (this means you too, Uncle Paul!) Embrace your inner, or rather outer, whiteness, as I have, or just use a self-tanner. There are a bajillion good products out there. No need to give yourself skin cancer or wrinkles. It’s TRUE!!

Ok, so – ready, set, GO take care of your face!! And after you do that, go read how everyone else is fighting the frump at Blissfully Domestic at Fight the Frump Friday! Because, you know, I wrote that post too. 🙂

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