The Lion’s Mane is Overrated

Yesterday I had an amazingly wonderful experience. It was relaxing, soothing, and practically religious.

I got my hair cut!

Yep, that’s it. I got my hair cut. And it was waaaaaay overdue. It had been *gulp* almost four months since I’d made the time to go get it done! Crazy! Now I like my hair long, but I should still get it cut every 8-10 weeks, not every 16. It was looking pretty scraggly. And I was feeling pretty scraggly. So while I was there, I made an appointment for NEXT time – 8 weeks – and went ahead and put it on the calendar (January 7th!) so that next time I won’t look like Rapunzel tried to cut her own hair with a pair of kitchen shears when I go in. So that my hair won’t get so heavy (it’s really thick, y’all) that it hurts my scalp if I wear it down two days in a row. And so that I’ll look nice and feel good about myself. And so that I’ll make sure to at least have that 60 minutes in that chair just for me.

So, here’s my new haircut. Not that I can ever flat iron it this straight, and anyway I am much too lazy to flat iron it every day, but it’s a great cut and it’ll look great curly too! I love it!


Oh, and this haircut? Cost me $20! Go see my awesome stylist Janelle for a great cut & style at a great price!

And go read more frump-fighting posts at Fight the Frump Friday at Blissfully Domestic! And link up your own frump-fighting posts!

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8 Replies to “The Lion’s Mane is Overrated”

  1. $20? That’s amazing. Let’s see….$20…plus airfare….and a rental car….(sigh)

    I’ve got to do SOMETHING with mine. It’s been over 8 weeks, and it’s in that weird “transitional” stage. Ugh. Do I *really* want to go through this just so I can face styling it every day or do I want to go back to “so short I can spike it and go.”


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