Baby Mama

During my pregnancy with Jonah, I was very worried about how Sophie was going to react to the new baby.  After all, she as already four when he was born and very used to being the baby herself.  And she is a TOTAL mama’s girl and I was afraid she would be super-jealous and want to eat him alive for taking up my time and attention.

Whenever I expressed this fear either to friends or here on the blog, everyone said that Sophie would surprise me; you all said that she would looooove the baby and be a “Little Mommy”.  Since I can barely get Sophie to glance sideways at her baby dolls, I was not really believing you all. At all.

But YOU were RIGHT.

She adores him.  She wants to burp him, snuggle him, pick him up (no), change his diaper (um, NO), and shove his paci in his face all day long, even when he is soundly asleep without it, or happily awake without it.  She tells him she loves him constantly and she is SO. Sweet.

But of course, she is a little TOO attentive, and I fear I am going to spend the next six months constantly saving Jonah from his big sister who loves him so much!  Earlier this week I changed his diaper and then left him in the pack & play to wash my hands.  I came back to find Sophie un-snapping his sleeper (4 snaps down!).  “I’m gonna change him.” She informed me.  I then informed her that he had just been changed and that, oh by the way, only grown-ups were allowed to change his diaper!  (Although I HAVE let her “assist” with a gentle wipe after I’m already done.)  Then, the next day as I was making dinner, Jonah was again in the pack & play when Joshua came running into the kitchen and said, “Mom, this is REALLY bad…” so I pushed him out of my way (he is incapable of saying ANYTHING quickly) and ran to the pack & play.  Sophie was standing there with innocent eyes and Jonah was crying.  Joshua followed me into the room and said “She kept trying to pick him up but she couldn’t. And she kept telling me it was my turn but I knew I wasn’t supposed to so I ran in to tell you.”  (What a saint.)  So I had to give her the lecture about how only grown-ups can pick the baby up.  She cried and cried.  She was really sad about it, because she was afraid she had hurt Jonah.

But despite the near-misses, Jonah seems to love her already, too.  I caught one of his early smiles on Friday and he was looking right at Sophie as I took this picture:

smiling at sister

Of course, two seconds later when she was trying to put his bootie on his HEAD instead of his foot, he was less enthusiastic:


And yet. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful sibling relationship! And I couldn’t be prouder of my girl for doting on her little brother!

And did you hear me? I said I was WRONG! You were RIGHT! I’m so humbled. 🙂

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When Excrement Attacks

Twice in one week that I’ve written a post title JUST for Emily. You’re welcome, cousin.

Yesterday was Jonah’s two-week checkup. Never mind the fact that he was 20 days old at the time, they were a bit short-staffed at ye olde pediatrician’s office over the holidays.  ANYHOO!  It was at 9 a.m. and I had to get Sophie ready for school and Jonah ready for his appointment and myself reasonably presentable (decent clothes, ponytail, no makeup) and I was nervous about it.  And I had this fear that Jonah was going to poop and pee all over the place just when it was time to leave.

But he didn’t!  All went very well. And he weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs. 14 oz.!! He was 7 lbs. 8 oz. when he was born and 7 lbs. 2 oz. at his 5 day checkup, so he gained 28 oz. in 15 days! I was stoked, and feeling rather proud of my breastmilk!

Fast-forward to a few hours later, I was getting Jonah and I ready to go to MY 3-week post-surgical check-up at the OB-GYN.  About 30 minutes before we needed to leave, I started to get Jonah ready.  Step 1 – diaper change.  I laid him down on the changing table and he made several pooping/gas passing noises so I waited a minute to make sure he was done. Then I got off his diaper which did indeed have some lovely seedy, yellow breastmilk poop in it.  I started to slide the new diaper under him but I wasn’t fast enough, because all of a sudden he let loose a torrent of poop all over the changing table.  I fumbled to wipe up the poop and get that diaper under him.

Then, he peed.  A full-force geyser whose spray reached all the way up to his little noggin.

Then, he pooped SOME MORE.  It somehow all got UNDER the diaper instead of IN it.

Then, after my mom came in to help me try and do damage control, he peed AGAIN!

So, after all this, Jonah’s clothes were totally wet, we had two formerly brand new diapers that were now dirty even though they had never gotten ON his body, and the changing table looked like it had been smeared with mustard.

And Jonah’s HAIR was soaked in pee.

And he was screaming bloody murder, and I had 15 minutes left to get him cleaned up, dressed, nursed, and out the door.

We made it to the doctor’s just on time, but then of course, we had to wait awhile in the waiting room, where a still irate Jonah showed all the pregnant ladies in the waiting room what they were in for by screaming bloody murder and refusing to nurse.

It was totally awwweeesome.

And THEN he cried all the way home.

But hey, at least my morning went well. 🙂  And I didn’t get any pee in MY hair.

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The first rough day

Yesterday was my first rough day with baby Jonah.  There have been rough nights, but mostly he has been really easy during the day.  Yesterday? Not so much!  Even with Joshua in school all day and Sophie in preschool all morning, AND my mom there to help me all day, I had my hands more than full with a super-fussy, unhappy boy.  He had really never been like that before and I was at a loss for what to do for him!

After a couple diaper changes I ascertained that his lack of poop was probably the problem.  Kiddo had something he was trying to work out and while up ’til yesterday he had been a super pooper, he just couldn’t make it happen.

So I held him and nursed him and swaddled him and rocked him.  My mom held him and rocked him.  He slept fitfully off and on, waking to wail and cry again.  It was exhausting.  I got out my Sleepy Wrap and figured out how to get him in it in the late afternoon.  That helped for awhile.  Then around 5, he had a really good nursing session and sometime soon after that, he made a magic poop!  Ok, I don’t really think it was magical, but it made him happy!  And then an hour or so later he made another one.  I have never been so happy about poop in my life.  Except for maybe when Sophie finally decided to start pooping on the potty.

But anyhoo.  It was a long, long day of frustration and exhaustion for both of us.  Again, I would not have survived without my mom there.  I literally did NOTHING all day but take care of the baby and read a million books to Sophie while I held him.  That is all that could be accomplished.  And it left me totally spent.

I love my sweet baby boy, but I am looking forward to where we’ll be 10 weeks from now…at least to where I hope we’ll be!

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