Burlington Coat Factory $100 Challenge (and GIVEAWAY of course!)

***Comments are now closed and winners announced here.***


“A man can walk into Burlington Coat Factory with $645 and walk out a king.”
– Michael Scott, The Office, 12/4/08

me likey shopping

All of my regular readers (i.e. those of you who AREN’T just here to win a contest) know that I’m uh, um, cheap frugal. So at Christmas time, I always moan and groan in a very Scrooge-like way about all the money I am going to have to shell out for presents. Watching the sale papers for weeks for that EXACT gift to go on sale can be a bit tiresome. So, I was excited when the folks at Burlington Coat Factory offered me a $100 gift card and challenged me to see HOW MUCH I could get for $100. Woohoo!! This is MY KIND of challenge, people! At first I was all, “Yay, free $100! Now I don’t have to spend so much out-of-pocket on my dumb wonderful family!” But that only lasted for about thirty seconds. You see, my friend Andrea had told me just the day before about a family she met a couple of weeks ago that has three children, (one of whom is seriously ill) and not much else. I knew in my heart that I should take the Burlington $100 Challenge to see how much $100 would buy this family for Christmas. So, Saturday my BFF Luanne and I went to Burlington and had a BLAST shopping for them! It was difficult because Burlington has SO MUCH to choose from. The parents needed clothes and the kids (ages 5, 4 and 2) needed toys and it took us forever to pick things out because the selection of both clothes and toys was incredible! But after MUCH deliberation, here is what we picked out!

Two nice shirts for dad ($16.99 and $9.99) and a sweater and a fleece for mom (both $9.99)

shirts for adults

A CARS Mega-blocks set for the five-year-old ($16.99), a Cinderella Princess doll for the for-year-old ($10.99) and the V-Tech Discovery Nursery Farm for the two-year-old ($19.99).

toys for kiddos

Grand Total = $95.93 (before tax)

All that for less than $100!! And I was able to get it all conveniently in the same store, without even entering a mall! Yahooo! Thanks Burlington Coat Factory!

Allright, now you’ve seen what I can do with a $100 Burlington Coat Factory gift card – help give a Merry Christmas to a family who badly needs it. Burlington Coat Factory and Mommin’ It Up are giving FIVE of you, dear readers, the chance to do the same thing! We wanna see how much YOU can get at Burlington Coat Factory for $100!! Because we want you to have plenty of time to shop, this is going to be a SHORT giveaway. I will close comments and draw the five winners of the $100 gift card at 8 a.m. this Friday, December 12th. Then I will mail you your gift cards lickety-split so you can get to shoppin’!

There are a couple of rules to this contest (made by ME, not Burlington Coat Factory).
1) Don’t enter this contest if you do not have a Burlington Coat Factory nearby that you can shop at. Please give someone who can use it for Christmas the chance to do so.
2) If you win, and you have a blog, you will need to post your $100 Challenge shopping trip on your blog and let me know so I can link to it!
3) If you win and you don’t have a blog, you will need to email me a picture or description (or BOTH) of your $100 challenge shopping trip and I will post it here.
4) You do not HAVE to use your $100 gift card to give back to someone else, but I highly encourage you to do so! Think of what you can do to show someone in need what Christmas is all about this year! That being said, if winning this for your family is what you need, by all means use it as you see fit.

Ok – all you have to do to enter is leave a comment! One per person! Random number generator will pick the five winners! Happy entering!

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152 Replies to “Burlington Coat Factory $100 Challenge (and GIVEAWAY of course!)”

  1. I love Burlington. I bought my niece a lot of baby stuff from there. The selection is huge and it is like 15 mins away from where I live.

  2. I am SO up for this challenge. I don’t often shop at BCF but I would be willing to be swayed by a $100 gift card!

  3. There is a BCF not that far from my house – and I would love to shop for a family in need! That would be a great way to celebrate the season. 🙂

  4. I would love the opportunity to shop for a family close to my heart using this gift card. They have had a tough year, but God has proven himself faithful time and time again. Even if I’m not one of the five, thank you, Jenny, for the example you gave and the encouragement for others to do the same. I love it when I see Christ-like love demonstrated during this season instead of all the commercialism our society is flooded in. My God bless you for it.

  5. What a wonderful opportunity! This year we are short, and was wondering if we could pick off of the charity type trees to buy for. This would definately come in handy. And I am like you, let me see how much I can get with my money! TY for giving your readers this opportunity!

  6. Wow! Thanks Mommin’ It Up and Burlington Coat Factory! We just had one open up about 20 minutes away. My daughter is 6 and just had a growth spurt, nothing seems to fit, new clothing for her would be great. My dad also has a bus ministry and brings kids to church. Many of them come from broken homes. I’m sure this would be a help to them as well.

  7. I saw the “Giving Tree” at the mall on Saturday and so wished I could take a couple of those names and buy for them. If I won this, I would be able to get more than a couple names, and I know how to stretch a dollar (or $100)!! My 7 yr old son would also know what the gift of Christmas is all about because I would let him help me. …and yep, I have a Burlington Coat Factory 3 miles from me… and a blog I love doing!!!

    -Jennifer in Ventura, CA

  8. We have a Burlington Coat Factory nearby at Sawgrass Mills. Both daughters are outgrowing their clothes and Santa was going to bring clothes for Xmas. This would be a great challenge and gift.


  9. What a wonderful thing to do for people who are less fortunate. I would like the chance to help someone out.

  10. YEAH! I totally love a challenge. I hope I win so I can try to bless someone less fortunate than I. (AND try to get as much as possible for under 100 dollars!)

  11. Wow, what a great example you are setting! I love this blog and how it is so inspirational. I know a few families around me that could benefit from $100 spent on them. You really seem to be such a kind hearted person, Jenny.

  12. What a generous gift from you and Burlington Coat Factory. I do love shopping there and always score some great finds! I hope I win because I know a single mom with two kids who are really struggling right now. She has a tough enough time paying for heat and car repairs, so new clothes would be a real treat for them.

  13. Count me in, one of my life long friends has 2 kids and they are not as fortunate as me and my family. She and her husband both work at a local restaurant just to make it. I would love to see how much I could get her and her kids for Christmas, and also to give her a very nice Christmas suprise.

  14. Wow, Jenny! You are such an amazing Christian woman….to think of that other family before yourself….we are trying to teach the girls about that right now and have done a couple of “giving trees” already, but not to the $100 level!

  15. We have a family at our church that this would be huge blessing to, and that would be what I would who I use the GC to help. Thank you so much for another amazing giveaway!

  16. Oh this is amazing! How kind of you to shop for someone else. We do not have any money this Christmas, so I know what a blessing your gift is to that family! I love Burlington, we have 2 nice ones pretty close to us. Fun challenge!

  17. This would be a great opportunity to share with my 11 year old daughter. Look forward to hearing the great stories.

  18. Great job! I think this year it is even more important we give to others if we can. There are so many more families in need this year.

    I am getting a coat for my angel tree girl this year. I wouldn’t win the gift card in time but, I am definitely going to go shop for it over at Burlington just because they are doing this.

  19. I would love to be able to do some suprise shopping for a family in our church. We work with 3 of the 4 kids in our youth group and I know it would be a huge blessing to them.

  20. ooooh, I’m up for the challenge! DD needs a coat and I would love to shop with her to use the rest for someone in our community. Thanks, Burlington!

  21. I LOVE Burlington Coat Factory. The one in our area just moved to a bigger store. I’m always amazed when I walk in.



  22. …and now that I said I’m a teacher, I just reread my comment and realized that I cannot even write in proper English!!!! I was trying to type too fast…that’s what I get!

  23. I’m a regular around these parts so I know all about frugal and the CVS love!

    We have a Burlington right here in town and I LOVE IT! I always shop there for my nephew’s clothes because they have the brands they like and at reasonable prices.

    In this case most of my shopping is done so I would use the card to help another family.


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