ReadySetEat: June Favorites

Real, actual sandwich that I made!

I must say I had a very fun time making all my ReadySetEat recipes this month!  I liked ’em so much there were three I wanted to tell you about.  The first, pictured above is the Shredded BBQ Pork Sandwich.  Umm…hands down one of the easiest and best-tasting recipes I have ever made in my life. It’s a slow-cooker recipe also so it gets bonus points in my book! I made it for Fathers Day dinner and let’s just say Bobby was very pleased!  We had the leftovers the next day also and they were just as tasty as the first go-round.  Seeeriously, you gotta make this one!

That's Chef Boyardee Ravioli in there!

The second recipe I loved was the Ravioli Lasagna.  Partially because it’s made with good ol’ Chef Boyardee Ravioli!  Now I can be a bit juvenile in my tastes and I love. Chef Boyardee. Ravioli.  As a matter of fact, when I was still working I used to take it to work for lunch all the time!  Mmmmm!  Anyways, turns out it makes a mean main ingredient in this lasagna as well.  It was so easy to make, just add in some tomatoes, spinach, cottage cheese, and whammo – it tastes like a million bucks!  And smelled divine baking, I couldn’t wait for it to be done.

Finally, my third fave recipe from this month is this Minestrone Pasta Salad.   What a great summer salad!  It didn’t take long at all to make and it was so flavorful and healthy!  It’s made with kidney beans, zucchini, carrots, seasoned Hunt’s tomatoes, lite italian dressing, and parmesan cheese as well as pasta of course.  I love the crunch of the veggies in contrast with the pasta and kidney beans.  And the flavor is SO yummy.  Definitely a salad to share with others this summer!

So those are some of my latest ReadySetEat favorites – and I love that I can save them in my recipe box and come back to them time and time again!  With the site’s great features, I can also find out where the ingredients are on sale near me and get the full nuritional value of each recipe.  It couldn’t be any easier! What recipes are you trying out this summer?


I am being compensated for my work on the ReadySetEat Shared Tastes Panel.  All opinions about the recipes are my own.

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5 Replies to “ReadySetEat: June Favorites”

  1. They all l good. But it’s either Ravioli OR Lasagne, it can’t be both…I know you studied French…so, I’ll let it pass.

    Mrs. Duggar said, “You should try making Lasagne for 20 kids, I had to get the boys to take the pan out of the oven!”


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