Atlanta, here we come! But first I need to buy some stuff.

Mommin it up and CVS ExtraCare

This Shoppin’ It Up series is sponsored by CVS Extra Care. The content is 100% originally my own, as is my big love for all things CVS.

So I’m not sure if we’ve mentioned it or not, but Jenny and I are spending this weekend in Atlanta for our third Mom 2.0 Summit. (I am being totally serious – I don’t know if we’ve talked about it. We typically can’t shut up about these things but this year it sneaked up on us!) We’ve both spent the week getting ourselves/homes/families ready for our departure, and in less than 24 hours we’ll be sitting poolside.

It would sound fantastic if I could only forget about the pre-trip to-do list that is most decidedly not done.

One thing I can mark off the list, though, is buying essential travel supplies. Thanks to a lunch-hour trip to CVS, I am ready to go.

The most obvious thing I needed to get was a prescription. I had a mild panic attack a couple days ago, when my medicine (the one I take five of per day, and the one I need in order to function) was running alarmingly low. I knew it wasn’t quite time for a refill, and I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get it filled before we left. I was able to breathe again upon remembering that I was going to Atlanta and not the Antartic and that there are CVS stores where I could get my prescription if necessary. Crisis averted.

You know what I love about CVS prescriptions? First of all, there’s an app to request refills. But even better than that, they text me when I have one to pick up – whether it’s on auto-refill and I get it once a month or it’s one I dropped off 15 minute before, I get a text when it’s ready.

Anyway, medicine aside, I picked up an odd and random assortment of other things I needed for my trip – and on this busy day, I was grateful for a one-stop-shop! And as an added bonus, I of course used my ExtraCare card where I always earn 2% back on all purchases I buy. Love it!

I hit the sunscreen aisle first, because last year Jenny and I both forgot to pack it and because we are both albino, we had to buy some from the gift shop at the Ritz. As you can imagine, that was reasonably priced.

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I strolled through the travel-size aisle too, just to see what struck my fancy. It’s not such an issue this time because we are checking our bags, but the last time I flew with just a carry-on, I had to throw away my (very expensive and very full) bottles of mousse and hairspray because they were too big. Fortunately, CVS has small-size everything.

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I bought miniature toothpaste, Advil, Tylenol PM (in case I can’t sleep at the hotel OR if I don’t want to listen to Jenny talk on the plane), and hand sanitizer (because airports).

I even grabbed a travel iPhone charger, because you can’t be too careful (which reminds me of the teenaged couple I saw in the “family planning” aisle, but that’s another story.)

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After grabbing a few more must-haves, I was good to go.

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I should add that there is one section of the store I completely skipped.

The make up aisle.


Clearly, Jenny had already cleaned them out.

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7 Replies to “Atlanta, here we come! But first I need to buy some stuff.”

  1. It’s true. I have enough makeup for both of us easily! YOU’RE WELCOME! I stopped by CVS earlier this week to get myself some clinical deodorant so I won’t embarrass you by having armpit sweat dripping down my ENTIRE BODY while we’re speaking. You’re also welcome for THAT.

  2. I don’t go to CVS very often because I don’t pass one everyday. But I think I’m going to try to check one out more often.

  3. Didn’t realize that they had travel iphone chargers at CVS. Putting that on my list to look for when I go this week!

  4. Well, I’m obviously late to the party since, um, I JUST SAW YOU IN ATL. But whatevs, I still want to say that this CVS prescription app business sounds awesome! I can order refills by phone with my current pharmacy, but an app and someone texting me reminders? Um, YES, please. Thanks for sharing! (And HELLO – so fun to see you last week!!)

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