For the Love of Viva!

With last Sunday being Easter, and since I was leaving for Chicago the next day, I didn’t think I was going to make it to CVS until after we got home. This made me kind of sad because I figured by the time we got back, all the “freebies” would be gone. However it was a sacrifice I was willing to make in order to celebrate our Lord’s Ressurrection and get ready for my trip.

Until I saw that Viva paper towels were on ECBs, and I lit out of my house like a bat out of hell to go get some! You see, Viva are my faaaavorite paper towels. They are like luxury paper towels. I always try to get them when they are on ECBs, and since we were about to leave my mom with two kids and 1/2 a roll of CVS brand (sandpaper) “green” paper towels, I decided I better go get some Viva!! My husband loves them too. We are now paper towel snobs, thanks to CVS. So here it what I got:

my favorite paper towels. yes, I have a favorite.

Viva $7.49
Softsoap body was $4.99
Colgate $3.99
Ellin Lavar ThermMist (love it for flatironing my hair!) $7.99

Total = $$24.46

CVS $4/$20 email coupon
$1 off Softsoap manu q
75 cents off Colgate manu q
$2 off Ellin Lavar CRT
$3 off Ellin Lavar CVS email q

Total = $13.71
I paid with 10 ECB and about $4 on my CVS gift card and got back 4.99 ECB for the Softsoap, 3.99 for the Colgate and 2 ECB for the VIVA! Yay!!

That’s all I got to do this week! I tried to go get the FREE Purex laundry detergent but my CVS only had ONE left! I might go to another one today if I have time. We shall see! To see how everyone else did this week, check out CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer, Shopping Superstars at the Thrifty Mama and Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom!

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