Make Me Laugh Monday: I Crack Myself Up!

Happy Memorial Day!! For Make Me Laugh Monday, and because it’s a holiday and I am lazy, I am going to re-post the video of me CVS shopping for those of you who missed it on Saturday. For some reason, probably because I am a HUGE NERD, it cracks me up! So, enjoy and have a great holiday!

For all the details, you can see my original post on this video here.

Now go check out Absolutely Bananas for more Monday laughs!

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8 Replies to “Make Me Laugh Monday: I Crack Myself Up!”

  1. OK, this is HI-larious!!!!!! I toootally just go to CVS sometimes to relax without the kids 🙂 Only, mine doesn’t have the umbrella and chair! This is too funny – I’m making my hubby watch it so he can see there’s other crazy..I mean SMART…shoppers out there like me!!

  2. you totally crack me up. my children think I am crazy when it comes to CVS. Judah swears I am rpping these people off and does not want to have anything to do with it 🙂 Thanks for creating another addict in me!!!

  3. Hehe, I saw this last night – super cute. I’m new to the CVS/coupon thing, so I found this super funny when you were all, “I sit at this light and anticipate going in…” I feel the same way, only because I’ve spent the past week scouring the internet for deals! 🙂

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