How to #doyourmakeup: Beautiful eyes using two eye shadow colors

So, recently on Instagram (which I am obsessed with), I’ve started posting pictures of myself with my daily makeup and hashtagging them “#doyourmakeup”.  Here are some examples:

You get the idea!  Anyways, I invited other Instagrammers and Twitter users to play along, posting pics of themselves all made up and using the #doyourmakeup hashtag on Instagram or Twitter.  Much to my delight, people have started playing along!  I LOVE seeing everyone’s makeup looks every day, from  basic to the dramatic!

Some of my Instagram friends have been asking me to do some how-to-do-your-makeup tutorials.  I’ve done some in the past using my laptop webcam but was never happy with them. So, this weekend I decided to try the iPad to record one and – voila! – it worked great!  So here it is, my VERY FIRST #doyourmakeup tutorial!  It’s “How to do your eyeshadow using only two colors” – super easy and less than TWO minutes long!  I think it will change your makeup life. 🙂  Enjoy, and pretty please  join us on Instagram and Twitter for #doyourmakeup – just do your makeup, snap a pic, upload it and use the #doyourmakeup hashtag!  And tag me @jennyitup so I can see and comment!


So that’s all there is to it! Does that look do-able? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

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8 Replies to “How to #doyourmakeup: Beautiful eyes using two eye shadow colors”

  1. Hey Jenny – you should definitely join myglam. Its Michelle Phan’s birchbox-like website and on top of sending out a little bag every month with makeup, they have a really active community that posts these kinds of do your own makeup videos. Yours are really good, you should totally be part of it. 🙂

  2. Easy peasy. I love it! Thanks for the inspiration to get back to doing my makeup. I was a Mary Kay consultant, and I love playing with different looks. But I’ve gotten lazy and hurried lately, so I’ve been slacking. I needed a little push. Thanks!

  3. that was actually really helpful. and I never watch vlogs, but every time I do my eye shadow I can hear the voice in my head saying, “You’re doing it wrong.” so I watched. and learned. thanks Jenny!

    1. Julie: true confession, I don’t like to watch them either. That’s why I tried to keep it under two minutes. I will strive to keep that up!!

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