Eliminating Negativity

Take a look at this.

Pretty much sums it up, don’t you think?

While I thought that entire video was food for thought, the part that stuck out to me most was the idea of eliminating negative energy.

Ironically, in the middle of writing that sentence, my computer decided to shut down, which resulted in a WHOLE BUNCH of negative energy spewing from my pores.

See? I’m not very good at this. I’m not exactly known for my optimism. I remember an elementary school teacher pointing out my pessimistic nature – a self-esteem booster, for sure!

Eliminating – or even reducing – negative energy. Is that possible? Are we each in charge of deciding whether or not we surround ourselves with positive energy?

That is an awful lot of responsibility. And effort.

But imagine the difference it could make.

So what do you think? Is the energy around us something we can control? And if so, how do we do it?

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4 Replies to “Eliminating Negativity”

  1. I think this world would be a MUCH better place if we could all loosen the reins that cynicism and negativity have on us. This short life would be much more pleasant. Great video, thank you for sharing it!

  2. I know for a fact that my faith in Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that keeps me sane and hopeful at all! I also know that some days just start out bad and makes me determined to think of every little thing that is going to make the whole day horrible, and I bring that on myself! I think you can help things a lot when you take the time to look at the positives and appreciate what is truly important in life!

  3. I keep telling grandson Evan that we chose our attitude. I didn’t always think that was true, but the older I get the more I believe our choosing has a lot to do with it. And if we are children of God, the living Christ empowers us to have an appropriate attitude for the situation. How? By His Spirit united with our faith — choosing His way over our own. It’s like “putting off”…/”putting on”
    [see http://www.abranchinthevine.com/?p=1482%5D
    Thankfully, God is merciful and forgiving…and there are many people in our lives who continue to love us despite our sometimes “crustiness” 🙂

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