It’s all a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I have been having serious trouble staying awake lately. I am tired all. the. time. This presents problems in many ways, but especially when I’m driving to work. I am tired of it (heh).

So, what do I do instead of going to a doctor like a normal person? (Sorry, Dr. Almost-Cousin Mackenzie)

I find some crazy ideas on the interwebz and decide to go get myself a BioMeridian Test. What is that, you ask? Well don’t search Wikipedia, because I just tried and it’s not there. Which means it’s totes legit, right? Anyway, a BioMeridian Test is “a 58-point evaluation that accurately measures the health and function of every organ and system in the body through key points that are connected to natural pathways in the body that correlate with specific systems and organs.”

Basically, I laid on a table with my hand in the air, and by pushing on my arm and various and sundry other parts of my body, this person can determine which of my body systems are working well and which of them aren’t.

But! We’re not just going to take her word for it – to back up this system, she put an electrode on a bunch of different acupuncture points on my hands and feet, which sent a signal to a computer. What it was measuring, I have no idea. But the good news is all my systems are working SWIMMINGLY. The computer screen showed me a handy little bar chart, and everything was solidly within the “green” portion.

Well, all my systems with the exception of my adrenal system, which is apparently all jacked up. When we got to that portion of the bar chart, it was not in the green or even the yellow – it was almost-off-the-charts red. I said, “I take it that is not good,” and she confirmed my suspicion.

This all sounds like nonsense, doesn’t it? Yes. But the problem is that half the people on the internet think it’s garbage and the other half say this test (and subsequent treatment) changed their lives. And that half sounds really excited and, well, we all know that I will fall for anything.

HOWEVER, the thing about my adrenal system being out of order? I could have told you that. If you recall, my grandmothers both diagnosed me years ago. I have every – every – symptom of hypothyroid disorder and have for years, but my blood tests have always come back just boarderline-normal enough for the doc to declare me perfectly healthy. Meanwhile, my hair falls out, my skin is dry, I randomly gain weight, my face is puffy, I struggle with depression, the list goes on and on. Even weird and random stuff like jerking and thrashing around while I’m asleep, which Andy tells me I do constantly.

So, while I am still skeptical of this whole thing, I am going back on Friday to review recommendations on vitamins and supplements that can theoretically help this. (For a low, low price, I’m sure.) I don’t know if it will help, but I am so sick of feeling bad that I’m willing to give it a try.

Lay it on me – do you think I’m crazy? Have you had experiences (good or bad) with alternative medicine? I can’t wait to hear.

P.S. As I wrote this, Kate came running to me and said, “Mommy! I just saw something on tv that we have to have! You can get wood-looking laminate floors for only 39 cents!! But it only lasts through July so we’d better hurry!” I could not make this stuff up. Gullibility is evidently hereditary.

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24 Replies to “It’s all a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.”

  1. This testing sounds like something Scientologists use for their “auditing” purposes. And no – I don’t think you’re crazy. I think it is possible for health problems to send someone over the edge.

    1. Hmm…. well Jess, I have heard that Tom Cruise’s people are trying to cast a new wife for him. Perhaps it’s a nation-wide search?

  2. I love you almost cousin, but for real money you let someone do this to you? Actually, I’m all for whatever works. If these people make you feel better, that’s great! Acupuncture has data to support it, so acupuncture away, electrodes on the other hand have no supporting data. And have your real doctor check both your TSH, T4 and T3. You may not have abnormal TSH yet, but your T3/T4 can be out of wack. Also are you interested in buying a bridge?

  3. Well cousin I say go for it, unless Dr. P is just willing to give you whatever thyroid med you ask for!! I’m totes going to the Happy Hormone Doctor after I’m done nursing Jonah. I just hope she doesn’t turn me into a dude.

  4. I’ve never understood the disdain for Wikipedia. Quite frankly if the College Board owned it, and charged for it, school systems would be allowed no other choice. It’s a great place to start. Sorry – HOT-button!

    Also, go to a REAL doctor!


  5. One of your funniest posts ever! I have a massage therapist whom I really trust (she is currently studying to be a physician’s assistant so she is not a “tree-hugging hippie”) who swears that acupuncture cured her of menstrual cramps that had been debilitating. I hope you can get some answers!

  6. I’ve had some pretty awesome turnarounds just from listening to my body – lots of massage and yoga before I call up a doctor. I can usually remedy a lot of aches, moods, etc with tea.

    Haven’t gone so far as what you described, or acupuncture, but I am totally open to the idea.

    Hope you’re feeling better!

  7. Have you been to the doctor recently to get your levels checked? I have personally never had much result from alternative medicine and so would go to a licensed physician first – especially if all your symptoms match up. I would think they would at least agree to some medication as a trial even if your tests are only borderline. If they won’t I would try another doctor that is willing to work with you.

  8. Well, I have some friends who have done something similar, but the test was supposed to diagnose allergies. Let’s just say that they found out that they had a whole lot of allergies that they had never even suspected that they might have. After a few “treatments” and many dollars later they are mostly cured. Oddly enough, the allergies that have not been cured where the anaphylactic allergies that they had diagnosed by a real doctor. Now, all these people I know are going to this “doctor” to see if the problems they(and their children) have are caused by allergies. Surprise, surprise they ALL have tons of allergies. One of the people I know who went was told she was allergic to every vegetable, most meats and all but a couple fruits. How many people do you know that have been diagnosed(by anybody) with allergies to 15+ food items? Seriously, I can now name 12. And there was this woman, at my church, who was being taken by ambulance, to the hospital, for chest pains and really high blood pressure. Her mom posted a prayer request of Facebook and what was the first response? You should take her to our pretend doctor(my words, not theirs) because it may be allergies! Don’t get caught up in the hocus pocus voodoo crap. It’s insane and then you have to believe it because you just spent a crazy amount of money on it.

    So, given my experience, I would recommend going back to the doctor, having your tests rerun and making sure they are testing your TSH, T3 and T4 levels. If your doctor won’t test for all of those, find a new doctor. If your doctor does test for all of those and thinks they are normal enough, get a second opinion.

    If you do keep going, though, I really hope it works for you and you feel better soon!

  9. The only experience with alternative medicine that I’ve had was when I sought treatment for gullibility. Three months of check-writing therapy, and it went away.

  10. Well…. after I laughed at your post… I had to share a thought or two! And swim against the current… 🙂

    There are A LOT of “self-proclaimed experts” in the fields of alternative therapies and nutritional/health consulting. It can be challenging to locate someone who is really educated, is legit, and not a ‘voodoo witch doctor’ (as my husband lovingly refers to most of them!)

    All that said, I have been consulting with a PhD nutritionist for almost 10 years, and he makes customized recommendations for supplements, herbs, diet, etc. He’s very scientific and objective… was able to help correct my post-partum thyroid imbalance & my hair started growing back within weeks. No prescription med could do that. (Side note: Also has a huge success rate with fertility/infertility ~ after the couple has exhausted all medical options.) He also doesn’t just try to sell someone a bunch of supplements… is able to look @ what they need, and what their budget allows.

    There is a time & a place for medicine, yes, but there’s also something said for a skilled, educated nutritionist that can help our bodies function rightly from a point of balance. If you could find someone like that…

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  11. I had the same test done at a chiropractor/nutritionist a few months ago. He basically told me my #1 problem is my pancreas (duh, I had told him I was Type 1 diabetic) and my #2 problem is my liver (but I had already told him that my second health concern was my cholesterol). I figure I will try what he suggests to see if it works for about 6 months…I want to try and get off all my meds (or prevent going on more) except my insulin. Anyway, it seems hokey but if it helps, I’m all for fixing the problem vs. having to go on meds for the rest of my life…

  12. I have hypothyroidism and even had half of my thyroid removed. My blood tests also showed either high or low ‘normal’. My PCP explained to me that even though they were technically within the ‘normal’ range, that for some people, just a little bit of medication helps bring them back to that ‘normal’ level and they feel better. I requested a trial to see how it went and it truly made a difference. My labs are now smack dab in the middle and I feel better than I did before.
    I also see a naturopathic doctor and she agreed with what my PCP said. I also take supplements, vitamin D, B-complex, etc.
    I also highly recommend a sleep study. Ask the hubs if he hears you snore or if he hears you stop breathing at night. Might be more of an issue than you realize.
    Best of luck!

  13. Hi there, I ran across this post while searching for the biomeridian testing and wanted to see about a follow up post. What happened?

  14. I go to an osteopath. He found the problems with my thyroid. Sent me for an ultrasound. I had 4 large nodules. Each year I go to my primary care doc, (who had 4 bypasses recently), and my gynecologist, (who is extremely overweight and looks unhealthy) both who never picked up on it. My labs were good, but if you read the book: Hypothyroidism Type II, the Epidemic, you find out some have symptoms that used to be observed by Docs before the blood test came about. I credit this Osteopath in identifying whats going on with me, I’ve been going to the other two docs for 30 years and they never found anything! My osteopath recommended the Biomeridian through a different practioner and her findings were the exact things i struggle with.
    I recall a few years back when a Doc tried sharing his research about the H Pylori bacteria being the cause of ulcers. He was laughed out of the AMA meetings.
    Finally, there was enough corroborating research that proved what he’d been talking about for years. He was ostracized for being right…just because his findings went against traditional thought.
    So don’t be too quick to discount things you know nothing about. My ten cents.

  15. It seems funny because we’re conditioned to think M.D.s know it all and all others are frauds. Well, I’ve been around that block many times…. spent the last 21 of my 50 years trying to find regular M.D.’s to help me, the last several years have had me in pure brain fog. It’s not that I haven’t been to any, I’ve been to very many! I will share my comments everywhere I can in an effort to help others that have gone on a similar path as mine. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    While they absolutely have their place, and there are many GREAT ones, understand that M.D.’s are simply NOT trained in nutrition enough to ever look there or do what’s necessary to unearth root causes to health issues. Think about this rationally and from your own experiences. They are literally trained to put pharmaceutical band-aids on things that went wrong after too many years of improper or insufficient nutrition. Our bodies adapt to poor nutrition, to a point, it takes many years to get that way and takes real time to build deficiencies to bring it back up to par. When one thing is off, other things start to go off. Eventually, we are at a slant. Not a good place to be and I’ve been there.

    Read The Mood Cure, Julia Ross, read Adrenal Fatigue the 21st Century Stress Syndrome, James L. Wilson, and all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place for you – not just one, read both of them and it will make perfect sense. Buy them cheap, used on ebay or amazon. There are other good ones but these are easy to read to get you started. Don’t take my word for it, but don’t dismiss it, either. Do yourself, your children and your family a favor read them to educate yourself as to what’s really going on here.

    So many of us with something called adrenal fatigue? Thyroid issues? ADHD? ADD? Inability to focus? Brain fog? Sleep disturbances? Allergies? Food sensitivities? Yes! Because we’re all in the same boat, eating and drinking essentially the same tainted and chemically processed things, sugar, flavorings, chemicals, colorings, gluten, genetically modified foods and livestock being feed ‘fast food’ and so, YES, we have the same issues simply because of the food we eat, even if we think it’s good, the the nutritive value in it is sorely lacking. Everyone’s body chemistry and eating habits are different, too, of course. Read those books for the details. I promise, you will not be sorry.

    I begged M.D.’s (my PCP, endocrinologist, neurologist) to do certain tests. Begged. They say they just don’t do it, they don’t have a CODE for it in order for insurance to cover it. Or, we’d do it but we don’t treat it even if we run the tests!! To them, unless you have full on Graves, Hashimoto’s, Addision’s or Cushing Syndrome, you’re golden! WRONG! And those here reading this article are here because they are frustrated because they haven’t gotten ANY help from the medical community!

    As a starting point, have your thyroid tested, must include TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, and Thyroid Antibodies to show all there is to show. Know that those who have thyroid issues might still have issues even within normal ranges. Find a doc that will work with how you feel, not just what the lab work looks like. If you’re close to either end of a range, you could benefit from change in Rx.

    Not everyone has thyroid issues, of course – do test your iron AND ferritin levels, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and B6, all hormone levels, and do a 4 panel cortisol saliva test. It is far more telling than the blood test the endocrinologist would do. I had to buy myself a spectracell micronutrient test (some insurance covers it 50% if you can find a doc to order it), but it showed that I was deficient in copper (if you’re deficient in copper, you can’t absorb iron properly), and in B5. Most M.D.’s will oblige you for the Vit D, B12 and maybe B6 test. Also have your minerals tested, calcium is usually tested, ask for Magnesium RBC (always ask for the RBC because otherwise they will test serum only, not the blood cells, and your serum almost always will show good unless you are deadly low, you don’t want to wait for deadly low or you will find yourself on a crash cart).

    Let me give you an example of what is going on under our noses. Iodine? We need it, right? Manufacturers added iodine to salt and bread in the ’60’s to help prevent goiters (lack of causes enlarged thyroid gland, destroying it). Well, in the last 25 years or so, manufacturers substituted bromine (a flame retardant) to bread instead of the iodine. Anyone who does not live near saltwater is at risk of not getting enough iodine. If you eat bromine (brominated vegetable oil), then it gets absorbed by the body where the iodine should have gone. Displaces it. Do you see the problem here?

    I’ve had to get the tests done on my own via online lab requisitions to test vitamins and minerals that are analyzed at the exact same labs we use for M.D.s and sure enough – results were off. Now to build up with proper foods and supplements where I fail in my food intake. If you have used antacids such as tums or prilosec, etc. know that when you are taking them, you are eating your food but in fact your nutrients are not being absorbed by your body due to the acid blockers!

    Realize that supplements are NOT LIKE ASPIRIN or IBUPROFEN. They take TIME to build up in your tissues, cell by cell by cell! Do you know of anyone who was anemic and had to take iron? Then you know it TAKES real TIME to build it back up!!

    Good references are STTM website (stop the thyroid madness which goes beyond just thyroid), and hypothyroidmom, which also touches on many things you should be aware of (24 nutrient deficiencies and symptoms to look out for).

    While there may be a few exceptions for problems that have gone so far that your body is injured/damaged and that you can’t come back to 100%, you can come back better than you are now. You can either do it on your own, give it several months using book references such as above or by following what the naturopath or health practitioner tells you, if you can find one. I found a health practitioner who does biomeridian and charged $65 initially and $35 subsequent. The one I go to lets me get my own supplements anywhere I wish. But DO follow their guidance or that of a good book, they’re out there. Read the reviews on Amazon. Buy quality supplements, not the ones at your grocery store or chain stores, they’re cheaply made and don’t absorb well.

    If you insist on still eating or drinking what you’re told not to consume, or fail to drink sufficient spring water, whatever it is you’re not following, know then, that you have become your own worst enemy in the fight to gain back your good health and it won’t work.

    This process takes time, patience and compliance. Without those three things, you will not find the success you are hoping for. It’s up to YOU. All in YOUR hands, now. Not the good ole doc who will put the band-aid on until something worse happens. (And trust me, it will).

    Above all, you must remember, whether you’re using good books and common sense as references or a naturo/health practitioner to guide you, if you don’t heed all advice and give it 100%, it’s not the guidance that failed you, it’s you!

  16. I dont to be rude, but you have no idea how ignorant you sound in this post. Meridian Testing by a professional doctor, one of whose name I will not mention, is the most incredible doctor I’ve ever been to! My whole family has food allergies that went undiagnosed our whole lives, feeling so sick all the time. We are all allergic gluten, wheat, corn, sugar, dairy, and alcohol. My daughter also has so many issues with not only allergies to gluten, wheat, corn, sugar, dairy, alcohol, she is also allergic to the outsides allergens such as grass, pollen, trees, it goes on and on. Due to having so many allergen problems, we were unaware of, she has had severe acne for years and as soon as she went off of (Acutane-so dangerous, I would never recommend), her acne came back with a vengeance. Acutane was only a bandaid as is most western prescriptions.

    We found this doctor who does Meridian Testing and is so rare and fortunately, he lives in our state, his wait list is 6 months to get an appointment! We have many friends that have seen this doctor and he has solved countless life long problems in just a few visits. Everyone I know has had healing results with him. My daughter got in to see him and within a two months, this doctor has changed her life! She was reduced to eating about 15 individual foods at the time she started and now she is eating a lot more foods and does not have all the gut issues she did when she first went in. He is actually working to remove all the allergens she has. They recreate the allergens she is allergic to, put it in a vile and she wears that next to her skin for 12 hours a day. Her body is getting adjusted and she will eventually not have any allergies. This doctor is incredible!!! We will never go to a western doctor unless it is for an emergency situation, physical wounds etc.
    Medical doctors are NOT trained in any nutrition to ever consider there is a link or do what’s necessary to understand the root causes to health issues. My daughter early on in her quest for health suspected she had leaky gut and went to a MD and asked for some specific testing because she though her leaky gut (self diagnosed and later confirmed by the Meridan test) was causing the breakouts on her skin. The doctor told her “Honey food has nothing to do with the skin and that some people just aren’t blessed with good skin”, She’s lucky I wasn’t there for that appointment! Thankfully that appointment was a blessing in disguise because she finally drove us away from traditional western doctors and their practices! This sent us on a quest for something different. In desperation, we tried this unconventional Meridan testing doctor and we can’t sing his praises high enough! Meridan Testing is NO JOKE, it just needs to be performed by a highly educated professional that has spent his whole life healing people and knows how to do it.
    So before you go blogging about something make sure you understand the facts about what you are talking about.

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