So please tell me we’re going to live.

Jenny’s going to roll her eyes when she reads this… she’s already dismissed my fears (ok when I tried to type “fears,” I typed “freak” instead. Hmm… perhaps the first was more appropriate).

But still.

I am freaking.

Andy and I are going to Disney World on Thursday. I am SO excited. Really. I am. We’re going with three other couples who will also be childless for the weekend, and it’s going to be awesome. Several of my companions, including my husband, are going to participate in the Disney marathon. I, for one, can’t figure out why they’d ruin a perfectly good vacation by running, but whatever. I am not above going along for the ride.

But… I have this irrational fear that our plane is going to crash. I know, I know… we’re more likely to get plowed by a truck driving to the grocery store than we are to be involved in a plane crash, but still.

I am a freak freaking.

Take general neuroses and add a big dose of we-haven’t-finished-our-wills-or-our-life-insurance-application guilt, multiply it by pregnancy hormones… and that’s what I’m dealing with.

I’m hoping that by posting these fears, I’ll decrease the likelihood that anything bad will happen. That makes sense, right?

So please… tell me that we’re going to live!

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17 Replies to “So please tell me we’re going to live.”

  1. I always had odd irrational fears during pregnancy….you’ll be fine! πŸ™‚ Make something up that you have to think about whenever flying comes into mind….like everytime you think about flying, occupy yourself….a crossword? It keeps your mind focused on something else and away from letting it wander towards and about your fear. πŸ™‚ Hope this helps!

  2. You will be fine.. I always get in a panic state when I am flying.. You will be there before you know it.. Have a great trip!!

  3. Em,

    Trust me – you will arrive back home safe and sound. After all, there are no deer to run into in the air (inside family joke). I think that most mothers think twice when getting on an airplane, so you are not a freak. Just think the 23rd Psalm on take-off and landing and enjoy the view during the rest of the flight, assuming that one of those nice companions will give you the window seat!

  4. You’ll be fine and it’s the right thing to do as a parent to worry about this kind of stuff — it just proves what a good mom you are, ‘kay?

    Take along our knitting from Pampered Camper!

    I’m gonna email you privately some financial stuff — take it or leave it.

    And your BabiesRUs coupons went in the mail this morning.

    Will add you in after the ever-present,”Kate Berry” at nightly prayers! Gotta love that Tatertot o’ mine…

  5. I hate to fly, too. I know this sounds silly, but whenever I fly, I tell the flight attendants (before I board) that I’m a fearful flyer, and I need to talk to the pilots before the flight. Everyone has always been super helpful (they may be laughing at me behind my back, who knows and who cares!!) and supportive. It just really helped me to put a face on the pilots, and have them reassure me that they have every intention of getting home to see their families that night!!

    HAVE FUN!! Disney is awesome!!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  6. Oh, I know how you feel. I don’t have an issue until I am in the plane, then I start to panic. I mostly just hate the taking off and landing. The in-between part doesn’t scare me so much. One question though – how much will you be able to do (rides wise) being pregnant??

  7. RELAX!!! Enjoy a weekend away “with out kiddos”…remember the 2nd one will actually be with you πŸ˜‰ Have fun! pAnic at times is a normal mommy thing. The first time I went on a roller coaster after we had our first son I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I literally thought – “why am I doing this and endangering Robert’s only mom for the sake of fun?”

    It passed….and we had a blast…..HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!

  8. Hi Emily! You’ll be fine. I fly all the time. Going through security is the most stressful part. Once you get on board, sit back and relax. I’ve got real good at falling alseep before we take off and waking up when we land. I never remember anything about the flight. Hope you have fun at Disney World!

  9. I used to have NO problem flying WHATSOEVER. I can remember two flights in particular, both flying through horrible storms, one in a six-seat plane, and I had no fear. I remember looking around at everyone and chuckling about their white knuckles and nervous faces. THEN, I had kids. Now I’m so terrified to fly, that I pretend to read a book, but am really just saying Hail Marys during the entire flight. I must say 10,000 Hail Marys. I wonder if anyone thinks it’s strange that I never turn a page. It’s just another aspect of my existence that completely changed once kids came along.

    Oh, and you will live!!

  10. Have a safe and fun trip Emily! I don’t think you’re neurotic. I HATE flying. I’ve only flown twice and was terrified both times. Judging from the other comments, being really freaked out is normal. You will be fine!

  11. Hello, I stop by and check out your blog every now and then.

    I had to laugh at your heading. My first plane trip ever was when we took a trip to Australia – a total of 24 hours in the air (3 different planes). It was quite interesting, but if I can make it hours and hours over lots and lots and lots of water, you can make it to Disney World!

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