I suck at Scramble with Friends

Last week when Jenny and I quit blogging and had lots of time on our hands (or something like that), I developed a new obsession – Scramble with Friends. I’m sure I’m the last one to this party, but in case you haven’t seen it, it’s basically a Boggle-like game app. Make words, beat your friends, feel good about your prowess.

There’s only one problem – I suck at it.

No really, I do. Take a look.

830-577. I lose.
Bobby found 99 words. I found 53. I lose. Again.

It makes me SO MAD that I am bad at this!! It’s a word game! I am good at word games!! At least I used to be. And frankly, if I don’t have that fact to hang my hat on, I’m not sure what’s left.

There HAS to be a secret trick to this game that I’m unaware of. Do any of you know what it is?? What am I missing?!? It’s got to be SOMETHING, and I am not yet willing to concede that it’s me.

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12 Replies to “I suck at Scramble with Friends”

  1. The first step in succeeding at Scramble with Friends is to STOP playing with Bobby. His freakish, savant-like skills in this area are DEMORALIZING. Because I value my marriage, I will never ever ever ever ever play a word game with him. And I, like you, “should” be good at word games.
    It’s not you, it’s not the game…it’s HIM!!!!

  2. when the game is ALMOST over start putting in two letter words to boost the score at the last minute. And use the powerups.

    I’ve never played Bobby… but I would also heed Jenny’s warning.

  3. Yeah, I suck at that too. I have never won a game. The worst person to beat me was the 16 year old who babysits my boys sometimes. Won’t play him ever again.

  4. Ha! I love Scramble w Friends! Dont be afraid to use 3 Power Ups (although I usually use 2 – inspiration and shuffle) you won’t run out of coins. I bet your opponents have been using 3, while you’re using one or two?

    I really only play against my husband. I’m pretty good at word games, and well, let’s just say he’s not the strongest with words, spelling, etc. and we still get close scores or he often wins. He uses 3 power ups, I use 2. Sometimes if I want to whoop him I’ll go for 3 🙂

    And have you tried Words w Friends? Also lots of fun!

  5. Three things…
    1) I switched to using 2 power ups with Emily so she wouldn’t feel bad.
    2) I rarely lose this game. HOWEVER, about 6 months ago I played my friend Matt’s sister and she absolutely DESTROYED me. It was ridiculous. I was sure she was cheating somehow. Nope, she’s just really really really fast. I stopped playing for like 4 months because I was shell shocked.
    3) Emily is getting a lot better. I’ll have to go back to 3 power ups soon.

    1. 1) Dammit Bobby!
      2) I like your friend Matt’s sister.
      3) YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! All my games with random opponents are paying off.

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