

Tell me that you don’t think of the song by The Cranberries when you hear that word. I’m totally showing my age with that one – and it’s about to get worse, because get this –

I do not understand Minecraft.

Here’s what I know about Minecraft.

A) It can be played on an iPhone/iPad.

B) The people have square heads.

C) My son is obsessed with it.

And evidently he’s not alone. Pinterest is filled to the brim with ideas for Minecraft Halloween costumes and birthday parties and wedding receptions (okay I don’t know that for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me.)

Ho-lee crap. I was just kidding!


The only other thing I know about Minecraft is this – it makes Sam say some weird shark.

Take, for example, a few of the comments that came out of my sweet boy’s mouth in the car yesterday.

“If you kill zombies, you will get potatoes.”

“If you kill skeletons, there’s a good chance you’ll get a bone.”

“You can get meat from blow up creepers and cows.”

“In nighttime you can find steers and kill them with your fists if you don’t have weapons.”

“In Minecraft there’s no circle heads. There’s only square heads. Even for animals and monsters. And rectangle bodies.”

“Come here little chickie!”

“From chickens you can get eggs, chicken bodies you can eat, and also you can get feathers to use as weapons.”

“You might want to kill pets. They can turn evil.”

NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE. And all that killing stuff? I should probably look into age-appropriateness and whether or not it’s going to turn him into a serial killer. But… everybody’s doing it, right?

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4 Replies to “Zombies”

  1. Joshua tells me Minecraft stories on a daily basis, and they make me want to shoot myself in the face.
    i downloaded the game to my phone in attempt to understand what all the hubbub (What?! Young people say hubbub!) was about. The popularity of the game made even less sense to me after playing it.

  2. What Bobby said.
    Also, DO NOT let him get any of the “go-along” apps, like the one where you take pictures of ordinary scenes form your life and insert minecraft characters into them and then SHOW YOUR MOTHER 4,000 OF THEM A DAY UNTIL SHE HAS NO WILL TO LIVE.

  3. I like Minecraft. I know nothing about it, though. Actually, my girls both get on their Kindles and play it together and don’t bother me… that’s the part I like.

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