‘Tis the Season to be Greedy

Yesterday, as I do every day after preschool pick-up, I got the mail out of the mailbox on the way into the house.  Unfortunately, in that pile of mail was the Toys ‘R Us holiday toy catalog (first onslaught, I’m sure!) and Sophie saw it before I could hide or destroy it.  Now the Soph has a birthday coming up in 20 days (but who’s counting?) so she was suuuper-jazzed to see that catalog.  She immediately started going thru it and saying “IWantThisformyBirthdayIWantThisformyBirthdayIWantThisformyBirthday”.  And then, after I told her, “well, you might have to wait for Christmas for that…” it became alternating, “I want this for my birthday and this for Christmas…”

Then, after Joshua came home from school, she couldn’t wait to show him the plethora of pages full of the objects of her desire.  And of course, he too, found a few million things he wanted for Christmas.  These two were so into that catalog that I could barely tear them away from it when it was time for us to go have a playdate at Sonic with some friends!  You know you’re in trouble with instant slushie gratification doesn’t compare with toys you MIGHT get 8 weeks from now. Uh…

Anypoops, I’m totally burning the catalog, but before bed the kids had one last (really long) look and made up their lists.  Which, I am sure (at least in Sophie’s case) were just part 1 of 100. So here they are:

Sophie's Wish List. She got tired of writing.
Joshua's list. First draft!

Sophie’s most excited about the Dora kitchen, but sadly (for her) I’ve already purchased ALL her birthday presents so she’s gonna have to wait and see on that one.  As for Joshua’s list, Bobby and I were already thinking about getting him some of the MarioKart K’nex – do any of you have any of these?  All of the other Mario toys (or Sonic toys) we’ve bought him have been really poor quality, but I am hoping these are better since they are K’nex – thoughts?

So anyhoo, the greedy little boogers are ready for the season!  Good thing I have some activities planned to help them learn the joy of giving!

What toys are your kids gunning for this season?

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8 Replies to “‘Tis the Season to be Greedy”

  1. HA ha! Evan saw the Super Mario K’nex last week when we were there and it immediately landed at the top of the list. But the few things that we have purchased recently were horrible quality – like the Sonic walkie-talkies that E saved up for for a month and they didn’t work. So let me know if you get any leads ;-)!

  2. forget the kids…i would like a red ryder BB gun and a petunia picklebottom diaper bag. thanks in advance, santa!

  3. It is a pain when the catalogs come but it is also a pain when they have no birthday or Christmas list whatsoever! “I guess just cash is fine….”

  4. oh my gosh! so cute 🙂 i did that when i was little… andrew cant read, but he sure can tell me what he wants right this stinkin second! we got the toyrus toy book AND the fisher price book on the same day…goodness…

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