SuperCousins Halloween 2011

We had an amazing time trick-or-treating at Emily’s house Monday night with our kiddos!  Here was the fabulous SuperCousins Offspring trick-or-treat lineup:

Our littlest tricker, Jonah:

Lovely Lily, in her 2nd year of costumed cuteness:

Captain SAMerica, who apparently was so busy that this was the best pic we could get of him all night:

My little Minnie Mouse, Sophie:

The dazzlingly wicked Kate:

My big boy, Joshua (as Ash the Pokemon trainer):

And our whole cute cousin crew:

We had the best time.  This is such a fun family tradition for us!  The kids were all so excited, so good, so sweet, so cute, so thankful – it was a blast!  I can’t wait ’til next year.  What did your kids dress up as for Trick-or-Treat?

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3 Replies to “SuperCousins Halloween 2011”

  1. Mason (3) was a pirate. He had so much fun, he couldn’t get enough! The funny thing is, he doesn’t really eat candy. He ate 2 pieces that night and hasn’t touched it since. And I am not complaining! We pulled him around in a wagon because the houses are spread apart in our neighborhood. And then he had his daddy carry him up to the houses because he is so stinkin’ shy!!!!!

  2. Molly refused to wear her Doctor costume that she was so excited about the day before! So, she was Minnie Mouse.

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