Tragedy (of sorts)

Want to hear something sad?

I had been in Chicago for a few days, and upon my return home tonight (last night by the time you read this!), I realized that I left my favoritest boots in the whole wide world in my hotel room.

La Canadienne Kara boots. Aren’t they lovely?

And now they are gone. My heart is broken.

Is that sad or WHAT?

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7 Replies to “Tragedy (of sorts)”

  1. OMG…that is seriously horrible. i would have been devastated. you should check and see if santa has an extra pair up at the north pole.

  2. try calling the hotel – most of the time they keep things of value left in a room and will ship them to you! we have had this happen several times, once with a beloved toy and once with a laptop cord and both hotels were very accommodating 🙂 Good luck!!

  3. PLEASE tell me you called the hotel. You don’t really love them if you didn’t! Also, how did you get to be the one who blogs about shoes? Man I have lost my edge. It’s just vomit here, poop that for me.

  4. those are some gorgeous boots. I hope this story ends up with a happy ending. I would be beating myself up forever over that (no pressure)… I did that once with a cell phone charger. And those boots are waaay more cry-worthy than a $20 cell phone charger.

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