Plant Therapy Essential Oils KidSafe Giveaway

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So as Emily mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ve recently become enamored with essential oils. Actually, I’ve been using tea tree oil for acne and as an antiseptic for about 18 months now, and I love what it’s been doing for me, so just this past fall I delved in further to see what other oils had to offer. The very first tea tree oil I bought was from a family-owned company called Plant Therapy, and when I started buying more oils I decided to look into what else they had to offer.

It is at this point I guess I should say, I’m not selling anything! Plant Therapy is not a multi-level-marketing company. I’ve bought some of oils from MLM companies and they work great. But I’m not really interested in getting into business, so like I said, I decided to check into what Plant Therapy had to offer.

They have a LOT to offer. And I bought a lot. Like, a lot. Let’s just say they had a really awesome month-long sale in December and I took full advantage.



And I love EVERYTHING! With the help of essential oils I’ve been sleeping a lot better, and sleep has been a nearly 11-year struggle for me.

But enough about me, what I am really excited about is that Plant Therapy makes affordable essential oils that are safe to use on my kids. They are appropriately called – KidSafe Synergies. There are 20 – 20! – different synergies that are safe for kid issues. Β Plant Therapy sent me 3 to review for this post, and I already owned 3, because as I may have mentioned, I love Plant Therapy’s products!


The KidSafe Synergies I already owned are:

A+ Attention, Nighty Night, and Calming the Child. I use A+ Attention on Jonah before speech therapy when I really want him to focus. I got Nighty Night because after he started preschool this fall, he started to have trouble calming down at bedtime and he would keep Joshua awake (they share a room) – it works great to get him settled! And I got Calming the Child to help him in the mornings. Jonah is usually a happy kiddo, but on school days he has to get up at 6:30 and he is never happy about it -(wonder where he got that from??). It’s often a struggle to get him to the breakfast table in a timely manner without a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth! Until I started using Calming the Child, that is. I put it on the back of his neck while he’s still snuggling on the couch while Bobby is making breakfast, and since I’ve started using it, he’s gone to the table willingly and without a fight. I’m not even kidding you!

The KidSafe synergies that I got to review are: Germ Destroyer, Immune Boom, and Tummy All Better. Β I think the reasons I selected these should be fairly obvious! Sophie in particular gets car sick, so I’ve diluted some Tummy All Better in some carrier oil and put it in a roller bottle to keep in my purse for those occasions. I got a chance to try out Germ Destroyer and Immune Boom on Joshua over the weekend when he had a headache and slightly elevated temp (99.2). I diluted the oils and applied them to his feet a few times over the course of the day and also diffused them into the air while he was playing Minecraft – and he never came down with anything. So I would say that was a pretty good trial run!

What really jazzes me about these KidSafe Synergies (ages 2-10) are that the were formulated for Plant Therapy by aromatherapy expert Robert Tisserand – Google him, he’s THE expert! Pretty exciting stuff! I knew when I got into oils, I didn’t want to play fast and loose with them when it came to my kids. So I did my research, and these KidSafe Synergies are what I feel comfortable using on them. PLUS they are great for adults, too – you just always know that they are safe for your kids.

Ok, so! Let’s get to the giveaway! I am giving away a 10ml bottle of Germ Fighter, Immune Boom, and Tummy All Better! Whee! And if you’re totes excited about ordering some Plant Therapy goodies for your family, you can go ahead and do that and save 10% with coupon code momminitup10 through February 19th! Plant Therapy has great prices and the KidSafe Synergies start at $7.99 so don’t worry about sticker shock!

One of you lucky ducks is going to win all three of these great KidSafe oils mentioned above. Here’s how to enter:

1) Leave me a comment letting me know which Plant Therapy KidSafe Synergy you are most interested in for your family.

2) For an extra optional entry, visit Plant Therapy’s Facebook page and come back here and leave me a comment letting me know you did.

3) For another extra optional entry, leave me a third comment telling me what Plant Therapy oil you’d most be interested in for yourself.

So just to be clear, you can earn up to three entries, but you have to leave a separate comment for each. One winner will be chosen at random on Wednesday February 10 at 6pm EST.

Good LUCK!!

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96 Replies to “Plant Therapy Essential Oils KidSafe Giveaway”

  1. I love tho company πŸ™‚ I have their Calming the child oil. But i would like to try all of them πŸ™‚

  2. I want to take a bath in all of them and sleep for a month…. I want to try the nighty night. I haven’t slept in 10yrs

    1. Bethany! I will make you some of my favorite blend for sleep which I make w/ my Plant Therapy oils. We need to get together so I can give it to you. I’ll text you.:)

    1. I love Balance, Nicole! As a matter of fact I couldn’t find mind this morning and I’m FREAKING OUT! It’s in my bathroom somewhere…if it’s not in the place I usually keep it, I don’t know where to look!

  3. I would like to try the Nighty- Night for my kids, as several of them struggle with insomnia off and on!

  4. Germ Destroyer, for sure. I visited their website the other day through another link and was really impressed with what I saw – I’ve seen such conflicting info about what you can give kids and I’d much rather play it safe and trust people who are actually certified in this stuff!

  5. I’m already a Plant Therapy fan and use peppermint and lavender almost daily. I haven’t been sleeping well this pregnancy, so I started diffusing a blend of those two at night and they really help. Next on my list to buy is frankincense. I’ll definitely be using the coupon code. Thanks!

  6. What?! So excited to see this post! I LOVE Plant Therapy!!! We are long time EO users and Plant Therapy is my FAVE! Um, so I visited their fb page because we already ‘like’ it and visit it regularly πŸ™‚ Weren’t the December sales amazeballs??

  7. And A+ Attention is what I am most interested in for my kids. We don’t have that one and um, my kids could use some serious attention help πŸ™‚

  8. For the kids I would love to try A+ Attention. My oldest son is really struggling with staying focused at school. The teacher has even made it a point to talk to me about it.

  9. For myself I would love to try the Nighty Night. I have the hardest time shutting my brain off at night.

  10. I would love to the Tummy All Better as I always seem to have at least one kid with a tummy ache

  11. I would love the Nighty Night, kidsafe oil I know but I have heard great things and have a hard time falling asleep

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