Words I Never Thought I’d Hear

Saturday Bobby called me into the kitchen with a “Hey, you got a second? I want to show you something.” When I walked into the kitchen, he was holding one of those over-the-door shoe organizers which is weird, and he said, “So, I was looking around on Pinterest…”

Umm, WHAT? Did I hear that right, honey? You were looking around on Pinterest? Am I talking to my husband or one of my girlfriends? I. Am. Confused.

“I know, right?” he said sheepishly. “Anyways, I was looking at kitchen organization ideas…”

We struggle with counter space in our small kitchen, and Bobby took it upon himself to find a good solution for our large amount of kitchen tools – spatulas, tongs, ladles, etc. were overflowing from the holder I used for them. So, the MAN got on Pinterest and figured it out!


He attached this shoe organizer to the inside of our very large pantry doors. More than enough room for everything!

Now I just need him to actually organize the hodge-podge of completely un-ordered food in our giant pantry.

Anyone wanna come help?

I know. It’s ridiculous.

But anyway, the moral of the story is, LADIES! Get your husbands on Pinterest! Stuff’s gonna get done!

Is the man in your life on Pinterest? Or is Bobby a pioneer in that arena?

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8 Replies to “Words I Never Thought I’d Hear”

  1. i agree with the Paul above, which is not me. I actually became unpinterested, but I can see there are some good ideas.

    Go Bobster!


  2. I think it is so sweet that your hubby did this. I love these shoe organizers- I have one in each bedroom for shoes and accessories and one in each extra storage closet for things like toiletries and makeup.

  3. I probably would have looked for a see-through shoe holder, but I would LOVE to tackle your pantry! Too bad I’m a state away!

  4. I don’t know if “sheepishly” is the right word. I said the “I was looking on Pinterest” line to be funny! GEEZ.

  5. Good plan with the shoe organizers. You really need to get rid of those round shelves and get some that span edge-to-edge…you would probably find that you could fit a lot more and have it look more organized!

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