
I didn’t sleep all that well last night, and I’m not sure why, the usual problems I guess. It’s not like I was up all night, I did get some sleep, but this morning I am so, so tired. So tired I want to cry. I’ve already showered but I just want to climb back in bed and go back to sleep anyway, feel my heavy comforter weigh me down, maybe press me into sleep.

My eyes are heavy, but the truth is, the sad truth, I can’t even fall asleep without medication anymore. Can’t even take a nap. If I were to go back to bed now, it would just result in frustration. And since I need to parent and all, I probably shouldn’t take an Ambien and hit the sheets at 9 a.m.

I am tired and I am tired of being messed up in this way. I’m so frustrated.

Now, off to the coffee pot.

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6 Replies to “Tired”

  1. Awww girl I know the feeling! We moms are supposed to be everything and everybody on top of work wife chores errands etc! Not to mention whatever emaotional junk we are going thru.I’m in bed at 11 and up by 5 if I am lucky-can’t imagine how u find the time to help us out with a blog!!! Just wanted to let u know I think you kick some…!

  2. I am the same way-can’t sleep without my Ambien. Unfortuantely i know all to well everything you are going thru.

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