I’m a Loser, Baby

Except I’m not. I was, but now I’m not.

You see, I was on my way to losing ye olde baby weight (which I think should be a proper noun, because it’s practically an extra person, right?  So it shall be called BabyWeight.), but then I went to my mom & dad’s in Virginia for Easter, and I just stopped.  I stopped eating right, and I stopped exercising and I couldn’t quite get back to it when I got home.

So I’ve gained back 2 lbs.  Which isn’t that bad, considering the way I’ve been doing the Dew and not doing the Wii Fit, but I am discouraged.  Mad at myself, but I still don’t want to get back on that Pilates mat.  Because I HATE EXERCISE!!!!

But alas, it’s finally stopped raining and it’s warming up and I have NO capri pants that fit and I’m going to die of heat stroke if I don’t get BabyWeight the heck off of me!

So, for real, I have an Usborne Books party tonight I have to clean house for but tomorrow, TOMORROW for sure it’s time to kick BabyWeight’s fat butt.

And hope I don’t die trying!

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8 Replies to “I’m a Loser, Baby”

  1. I hate exercising also. It must be in the genes. I used to work hard all day long and loved it. But not a single pushup! Hiking maybe, but that is it.

  2. Jenny, try Zumba! I hated exercise until I discovered the wonders of Zumba about 5 years ago. I’ve been an instructor now for 2 years and love it so, so much. I taught all through my pregnancy (up until the day before I went into labor. Actually, I was on my way to teach Zumba when my water broke!), and since I had Baby Berk 9 days ago, I can already feel the powers of Zumba during pregnancy working! I have to wait a few more weeks before I’m cleared to go back, but I can’t wait to get back out there and dance BabyWeight off! Seriously, try it! You will probably say that you don’t dance in public, but I think you would love it and never want to stop doing it if you try it! Let me know if you do and what you think!

    1. That is a great idea! Jenny, could you vlog your way through it? Because I want to see that.

      Karson, the pictures of you 11 months pregnant and in your zumba gear are nuts! I’m sure your body thanks you for it though. I’d imagine, theoretically. Not that I would know from experience.

  3. Jenny, I second the zumba thing. I am totally uncoordinated and can’t dance at all, but I can move and laugh and that seems to be okay! It is so fun…I am addicted. Jeremy says I am much more cheerful so he tries really hard to be home in time for me to go.
    Let me know if you want to go and I will look for you!
    You would know a lot of people there too.

  4. I LOVE ZUMBA! I miss it TERRIBLY! Stupid fractured tailbone! I think you can get the zumba DVD’s now so you can do them in your own home if you don’t feel like dancin’ in front of other people! It’s a blast and really you don’t even realize that you just burned 800 calories! It’s great! Good luck!!

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