Icepocalypse Now!

Remember when I told you about the direct correlation between my appointment schedule and the crap-ton of bad weather we’ve been having?

Well.  Apparently I was correct.

Because I had two very important doctor’s appointments yesterday, one for me and one for Sophie (what is it with our school district wanting yearly physicals done on the DOT? GEEZ!), so of course, sheets and sheets and sheets of ice began raining down from the heavens in the early morning.

School was cancelled, my appointments were cancelled, lots of businesses closed, and the ice kept a-comin’.

In the evening, a power transformer blew up in the suburb where Cortney lives.  Sorry, Kettering.  I didn’t mean to.  I just wanted to go to the doctor!  For my 6-week check-up!  (Because I may or may not need a little repair work on my incision, but that’s a whole other post [that you probably don’t want to read]).

This morning our local newspaper says 55,000 of our local power company’s customers are without power.  Our lights flickered last night about 9 pm and I freaked.  I ran for the matches and the candles and fretted that Sophie was really not wearing very warm PJs.  I could not fall asleep because I was so worried about the power.  My friend Shannon was texting me about trees falling down at her neighbor’s, perilously close to her own house.  My mom called to say that BOTH my elderly grandmother’s homes were without power.

Now we are on day 2 of no school (and we were pretty stir crazy by noon yesterday so I’m really looking forward to this!) and my yard looks like a skating rink (I should put my iPod on the front porch and charge $2 for admission) so I guess we’re in for the duration.

I’m hoping to get out tomorrow, because I’ve rescheduled my doctor appointment for then.  And Sophie’s for Friday.  Which probably means we’ll have 10 inches of snow by noon tomorrow.  But you know, I had to try.

I’m SORRY, Miami Valley!  In advance.

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10 Replies to “Icepocalypse Now!”

  1. I think I’ve had enough of this weather! You need to stay home for awhile. LOL On the up side, the groundhog didn’t see his shadow this morning!! Early spring for us ~ hopefully.

    Stay warm & safe!

  2. Love the iPod idea! Our hill is ice and maybe I could start a bobsled team! Lucky for me, only one kid is out of school. The other one is just delayed. I think a local news station should hire you! You’re more accurate than they are!

  3. This is the second time I’ve had to reschedule a dentist appointment because of snow. As in, second time THIS YEAR. However, it’s also the second time my daughter has missed her snack day at preschool because of snow, which means two less months I have to buy individually wrapped, processed snacks. (The processed part is not an actual requirement, but what am I supposed to do when they require individually wrapped, straight from the store snacks?)

  4. If anyone can survive being without power its Grandma Brads. And thank you for reminding me why I luuuuvvvv North Carolina!

    1. Anna & I always say that in the event of a natural disaster, we’d all be headed straight for one of our grandmas’ houses – they know how to get by! In fact, Anna ran to grandma’s house when the power went off last night!

  5. If you need to get out for your sanity, I’ve heard the roads are actually pretty good! We just got our power back after about 8 hours. Thank goodness!

  6. @ Jenny, Good Lord, I thought I was self absorbed! After all, if there’s a war in the Middle East, I’m sure it’s something I said. Genetics…scary, very, very scary!

    @ Mary, the fewer/less thing gets everyone. Just remember (and thank you Mildred Carson) Less traffic, fewer cars. You’ll never UPset Emily again. Everything I write, I always think “WWED”, What would Emily do?

    @ Mackenzie…Grandma was without power from 9 PM til 1 Am – talked to her this AM, warm, alive and well!


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