Under my dead body

Am I the only person left in America who still has a home phone? And is under the age of 70? Granted, mine is cordless and not even remotely similiar to this old rotary one, but it still seems archaic in a lot of ways. Almost none of my friends have  home phones anymore, except for Cortney, an old soul like me, who just GOT one after not having one for forever.

I love my home phone. Well, not when it rings. I hate it when it rings. Because really it’s only telemarketers (The “Do not call” list? Should be called the “does not work” list!) or campaigners that call it and it’s annoying.  BUT I love the security it provides.  Like…if I didn’t have a home phone, how would I ever call my cell phone in order to find it when I’ve misplaced it? My faithful home phone is there when I need it. It’s always there, on the charger, with its multiple handsets, ready to be called into active duty when my cell phone battery dies.  Or, let’s say Joshua needs to call 9-1-1 because I’ve fallen down the basement steps and my cell phone is stuck under my dead body?  Good thing we have a HOME PHONE, one that he doesn’t have to pry from under his mother’s girth, unlock or find the keypad on to operate!


Last week, Joshua wanted to call his BFF and talk about Pokemon cards. Do you think he’s gonna be doing that with my iPhone? UM, no. Here’s the home phone, buddy! You and Pikachu have a blast!

I love my home phone. I don’t love paying for it but I sure do enjoy it’s security blanket-esque qualities. What say you? Are you an “E.T. Home Phone” fan like me, or did you kick yours to the curb long ago? Why or why not?

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20 Replies to “Under my dead body”

  1. Being a phone guy from way back, It was a struggle to part with the home phone. But we did. The main reason was that no one but telemarketers called that number!


  2. I am a home phone girl as well. Totally tied to my cell but more for text and email. I go with the theory that I want to call 911. Hang Up b/c I don’t want the scary-out-of-a-made-for-tv-movie-intruder to find me hiding in a closet. But, 911 has to call back or come check on me. Also, as you, I want my kids to be able to reach/find a phone and call for help. Not “honey, I am in distress and need you to call 911. Find mommy’s purse. Or maybe I left my phone in the car. No wait it is in my office.”

  3. I too am old school and have a home phone. I have four kids, ages 2-almost 14. They all have friends. Almost all of them have friends who call them. I have a job. I take my cell with me when I go to my job. I do not need 8 year olds calling my phone to talk to my daughter about glitter while I am in meeting.
    If there is a sitter in my home i want to be sure they have a functioning, charged, and not distracting way to call the squad when one of my daredevils takes a nose dive. I want my kids/parents/husband to reach me if there is an emergency. I also need a way to play solitaire in my meetings so I have a cell that I carry with me and use often. We have three cells and a land line, but it works for us.

  4. Home phone girls unite! We tied our home phone in with our cell phone plan so it’s way cheaper, like $25-30 a month cheaper! And, when we go out of town, I don’t have to mess with forwarding the calls. My hubs takes the phone and box to plug in where we lay our head. So convenient!

  5. We had a home phone about 4 years ago, bundled with the internet/cable “deal”. When we went away with cable, we did away with the house phone as well. We converted that number to another cell number in our family plan. It’s crappy, and doesn’t do much, but it serves its purpose. And, it’s cheaper than when we had the “deal”.

    I’m with you about not wanting to share my cell phone with the kiddos… so the old “house” phone is the girls cell phone.

  6. We still have our home phone but it is about to go away -since we all 4 have cell phones and I finally have service that I can get at my house. That’s why we haven’t gotten rid of it before, but now I can actually talk to people at my house without having to stand in the front yard! Love my ‘hood but we have not slipped all the way to the “everyone needs to know my business while I talk on the phone in front of my house” yet!

  7. Still have our home phone here, too! I joke around that the only reason I keep it is that we’ve had the number for so long that I hate to disconnect it! Actually, I like having a home phone for times like last winter when snowmageddon came and we had no power for several days. Our home phone still worked. We weren’t able to charge cell phones during that time.

    We will probably get rid of it eventually but sometimes parting is such sweet sorrow!

  8. We have a home phone too! And I get telemarketing calls every single day! It drives me nuts! They even call at 9:00 at night.
    The only reason we have a home phone is because we have a home security system. We moved into a different area code about 2 years ago and had to change our phone number. And honestly, I have no idea what it is! Ha!

  9. I truly, truly dislike talking to people on their cell phones, and I tell them as much. 🙂 Staticy, cutting out, blech. (Yes, life in the boonies.) Plus, if I need to call little Suzy’s mom from school and I’ve never called her before, I need to be able to LOOK UP HER NUMBER. AND… I’m home all day, most every day. I really don’t even need a cell phone (especially since it will barely work where I live). Home phone, all the way! We pay $100 per year for the cell and keep the home phone.

  10. i am a home phone girl, too. and usually when it rings, it’s no one that i want to talk to. but we’re not giving it up any time soon!

  11. We still have a land line home phone too. My main reason is that if we ever need to call 911 they can locate us much faster and more accurately than with a cell phone. We’ve never had to actually call 911, but you never know! The home phone is bundled in with our TV and internet so the phone portion is almost nothing. Yes, the majority of calls are from telemarketers, but I like the option of giving a home ph# out instead of my personal cell #.

    And I hadn’t even thought about the kids calling friends. My son is probably really close to that stage and, no I don’t want his friends calling our cell phones!

    Also, I know my mother in law wouldn’t be able to handle that. I can already hear the panic now, “Whose phone should I call?!”

  12. I still have my home phone but the hubby is always trying to talk me into getting rid of it! I give him the whole 9-1-1 excuse every time. So glad that I am not the only one! Thanks!

  13. Dude, I will never get rid of my home phone. We use it all the time. Personally I hats talking on cell phones and far prefer landlines.

  14. Our home phone is our primary phone. And, yes, they have cords! We do have a cell phone, but only basically for emergencies and long-distance, and the cell phone is rarely turned on. We do not usually get a cell signal inside our house. Right now our home phone has been out of service for 4 days, and we are ready to GET IT BACK!

  15. We still have our land line as well and have the same debate. My sister and her husband do not have a land line, so it has been pretty funny to see my niece (toddler) react to the noise coming from the wall! While most have not had to call 911, I was in a situation where I did need to. Your story made me chuckle seeing as I did fall down our basement stairs. I broke my leg and while I can think of a lot more urgent emergencies than a broken bone, I was very glad for my land line that day. My cell phone was in another room but my kitchen phone was within my reach as I hobbled up the stairs. I remember trying to call my husband first and passed out in the process (with a two year old at home) who was screaming. The passing out scared me so I called 911. I needed help right away and was so glad to have that phone right there!

  16. We have a home phone too. We don’t get good cell phone reception in our house, so I feel the home phone is still necessary. Plus, if someone is babysitting our kids, I’d like to have a reliable way to contact them. Also, when our kids are old enough to be left by themselves for short periods of time and don’t yet have their own cell phone (believe me, I will be putting that one off as long as possible), it is critical for them to have a land line (in my opinion)…

  17. I have Vonage which isn’t a traditonal home phone but still is a home phone. I HATE cell phones with a passion (have no clue how people want to constantly be yapping to someone always). I do have a cell phone (Virgin Mobile $20 every 3 months) but it is for in case of emergency (i.e. my car breaks down -since there are no pay phones anywhere these days). Have no intention of ever getting rid of a home phone.

  18. I am an old soul too! :o) I have a Magic Jack. It plugs into a usb port on our computer and you plug a phone into that. It costs $20 a year. We have had it for 4 yrs. and are happy with it. You do need high speed internet for it to work though. Our cell phone plan is with Consumer Cellular( recommended by AARP) and I have only sent 2 text messages in my whole life! :o) Did I mention that I’m only 34! :o)

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