Athletic Tendencies

I like to tease Emily for all the time she spends running her kids to swim meets and tee ball games, because really? I don’t want to do that. EVER. Joshua is a good swimmer but does not wish to compete (darn) and let’s just say I think Sophie’s talents are going to lie in the theater arts. So far I’ve been “blessed” with children who are as I like to say, “blissfully unathletic”.

One of these things is not like the others
One of these things is not like the others

Except. Um. There’s that unplanned third child, and I think? He’s gonna wanna play sports! Since his birthday and Christmas are 8 days apart, he hasn’t gotten anything new in awhile and he’s acted kind of bored with his toys. So I got him a basketball hoop and a tee ball set and they are his FAVORITE THINGS EVER. And he’s GOOD at them!

jonah b ball 2

I am proud of him and frankly I am enjoying his new athletic ventures. But I think they will be much less enjoyable when there are practices and games to sit through! I mean, I LOVE going to my nephew’s basketball games, but I am basically a nervous wreck the whole time and he’s not even MY kid. I’m fairly sure the nervous wreck factor multiplies by 10 when it’s your own offspring.

But then there’s this:

And dangit won’t he be CUTE in a tee ball uniform one day? Oh man. I’m just hosed!

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2 Replies to “Athletic Tendencies”

  1. Wait until he starts spouting baseball statistics….like his Uncle Charles…he does have a great memory!

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