Classin’ up the joint on Thanksgiving

its not a party
This picture came from Pinterest, but alas, did not link back to a website. So I don’t know who to give credit to. No one sue me. You can’t get blood from a stone.

Wednesday night we went to my Grandma’s (sadly, not the Grandma I share with Emily because she would’ve loved this) for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner with my brothers and their families, my cousin Amy and her family, my Grandma and two aunts. (Kudos to my Aunt Z, by the way, for going out of her way and making some delicious gluten-free food for us!)

Since Jonah-Jo is still doing great on the potty but prefers to flush the big potty rather than sit on it and do his business, and since I had no desire to have him pee all over Grandma’s couch, I brought his little potty with us to Grandma’s and set it down in the living room when we arrived. Then i got all the kids coats off and started to get them settled…and was alterted by loud laughter/horrified cries that Jonah was beginning to de-pants in the living room.

Since he still feels the need to take his pants and underwear alllllll the way off when using the john, he was kinda mad that his shoes were still on. So I hurriedly helped him get them off and his pants all the way down, while my husband’s cousin, who’s only been in the family a few years and has had a limited opportunity to glimpse my STELLAR parenting, said, “You’re just gonna let him whip that thing out right here?”

“I sure am!” I replied as I plopped Jonah’s naked rear onto the potty. He then did his business and stood up and did a naked victory dance to the applause and embarrassed laughter of my extended family while I attempted to get his Spider-Man undies and pants back on him. We then took a victory lap to the bathroom to flush and I left the little potty there so he’d have to actually go into the bathroom to use it and confine his nakedness to an audience of one next time. (Which he did quite nicely before we left.)

The next day he gave a repeat performance at my parents’ Thanksgiving celebration, though I had put the potty in a more discreet place. He countered my discretion by taking his pants and undies off on the complete opposite side of the room and blazing a naked trail as he headed for his little potty. (The little bathroom on my parents’ first floor is too small to hold even the little potty.)

So bas-ic-al-ly, Jonah brought the favors to our Thanksgiving party! What a guy!

I promise I’ll have him over that habit my next year.

How was your Thanksgiving? Anyone nude up at your Grandma’s house? No? Just mine?

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