I shall call him Guantanamo Joe

As Emily mentioned in her touching birthday tribute to moi, we went on a little family vacay this weekend.  And it was lots of fun.  Plus, I got birthday presents! SCORE!  The presents were pretty great, but my favorite part of the weekend was watching all the kiddo cousins play together.  They really had a blast, just like Emily and Anna and I used to do. And, still do. Because Emily roped me into helping her with a super-nerdy 1,000-piece puzzle and it was really FUN! Seriously, I may have to get me a starter puzzle and try to catch up with Emily “the Puzzler” Berry!  She is pretty B-A-D and by that I mean G-O-O-D!

But anyhoo. We had a blast.  Except for the fact that I got 2.2 seconds of sleep the entire weekend.  Thanks to my sweet little baby guy, Jonah L. Rapson, a.k.a. the SLEEP NAZI.  He kept me up all night, three nights in a row.  The longest stretch of sleep I got the whole time was two hours.  Man, those babies make you PAY for taking them on a vacation!

The second night, Jonah was in rare form, and I’m thinking he is honing his skills so that he may one day become a secret agent who uses sleep deprivation techniques to extract information from super bad guys.  If his performance this weekend was any indication, he is going to be the CIA’s golden boy.  He had me up at 10:30, midnight, 1:13 – and he was awake an entire hour until 2:15, then 3:35 THEN 5:30 – he finally slept from 5:30-7:30.  That was pretty much the longest night of my life.  I hadn’t had such a bad night since Sophie had the stomach flu a year ago and vomited on my every 45 minutes for 12 hours.  I told Emily the next day, that I was so desperate for sleep in the middle of the night, and so miserable, that at one point I was seriously considering coming downstairs to the kitchen, writing a note that said, “I GIVE UP”, downing a bottle of Ibuprofen, and letting nature take it’s course.


I love my little guy, but he sure did a number on me this weekend! Now that we’re home, it’s time for some Ferberizing this week!  Since it’s still technically my birthday as I write this, and since I’m totally wiped out, Bobby is going to take the first night.  It’s just Daddy and James Bond, Jr.!  Mommy’s taking the night OFF!

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2 Replies to “I shall call him Guantanamo Joe”

  1. Mrs. Duggar just makes the older kids take care of the little Sleep Nazi at her place; you could learn from her!

    And, Jonah is so cute, who wouldn’t want to stay UP with him?


  2. There’s nothing like being sleep deprived. Good luck!! My little one still wakes up every night for 1 or more times a night!! I wish I would have ferberized him earlier than 14 months!!

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