I’m way too old for this

I can remember a time when I would exhaustedly say to Bobby, “Getting Sophie dressed is the absolute worst part of my day.”

And I can remember a time when I would say to Bobby with a look of hopelessness in my eye, “Getting Jonah dressed is the absolute worst part of my day.”

Because it was THIS MORNING.

Joshua, the perfectly compliant firstborn child, just LAID THERE whenever I changed his clothes or diaper.  Sophie, not so much, and Jonah, well, I pretty much feel like I’ve run a marathon after changing him. In fact, now that it’s getting colder, I will leave him in his footie PJs ALL DAY if I can get away with it, because changing his clothes is such an ordeal, a wrestling match, a physical confrontation.

And diapering? Don’t even get me STARTED.  It’s pretty sad when a routine diaper change fills you with dread, but that’s where I am at with my Wiggle Worm.  To quote a friend who also has a wiggly little guy, “Diapering a greased pig would be easier.”   Two days ago, Jonah had an explosive poop and he would NOT be still for me.  The resulting diaper conflagration ended in us both crying and both covered in poop.

So yeah.  Do they make short-lasting baby tranquilizers just for diaper and clothes changes?  Because right now I feel like I need to hire a diaper nanny just to have an extra set of arms to help me get this get clothed!

How did you deal with a wiggly baby at changing time?  I need HALP!

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7 Replies to “I’m way too old for this”

  1. With my 9 month old son, I have to lay him on the ground and then sit with my left leg stretched out over his body so that he can’t move. It seems to be the only way to get him to stay still enough to change his diaper.

  2. I used to put Jack on the changing table, then lay my left arm/elbow across him while I worked sorta upside down to change his diaper. Sometimes it helped. 🙂

  3. We had to lay Leland on the floor and put one leg across his body to hold him still. It was the only thing that worked. Good luck Jenny!

  4. My little guy can do the same thing. I have found that I MUST put him on his changing table. Trying to change him on the floor where he can get away is absolutely out of the question. I also try to bring some toy or his pacifier or something that will entertain him while I at least get his pants changed! Good luck!

  5. Mrs. Duggar says you should get your own TV show, she makes the crew do all that crap!

    Or, you could all be come nudists.


  6. At this age, the changing table was out of the question for us, since he would gladly fling himself off if he had the chance. I would change him on the floor, sitting near his feet. I would use my sock feet to hold his shoulders down. Did he like it? No. Did it keep him still? Yes. Now, at 13 months, he has calmed down and we can once again use the changing table with no restraining necessary.

  7. I’m going to be the “bad” mommy here. My daughter is very squirmy when getting a diaper change or getting dressed. I started swatting her leg and saying no when she would try to roll over ect. not enough to really hurt but enough to get her attention. Now she will lay there pretty still if I just say no to her. Just a thought.

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