Princess Who-What??

My silly son Joshua, at three-and-a-half, says something to crack me up just about every day. The other day we were watching his new favorite PBS Kids show, Super Why. He is IN LOOOOVE with it. He loves to sing the songs and really cracks me up singing them with gusto while he watches the show. The show is about reading; it’s kind of a Little Einstein’s rip-off but it’s cute and educational and not very annoying, so I’m cool with it. The kids who solve problems on the show are called the Super Readers.

So as we were watching it the other day, I said, “Joshua, are you a Super Reader?”

He looked me right in the face and said, “No, I’m a boy, remember?”

I cracked up. I couldn’t help it! His reply was so innocent, so matter-of-fact, so black-and-white. It just tickled me! So, I was cracking up, and he started giggling, because he loved that he had made me laugh, even though he wasn’t sure why what he had said was funny. We giggled back and forth for a minute, and after we quieted down, a character came on the show named “Princess Presto”. (She has the power to SPELL! Rock on!!) Joshua was quite excited to see Princess Presto. He jumped up from the couch and pointed to the TV.

“Look Mommy! It’s Princess RECTO!”

I totally lost it.

I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. Joshua started giggling again.

“What’s her name, honey?” I asked him. I really wanted to hear it again. I am a bad mother.

“Princess RECTO.”

“Ohh, Princess RECTO. That’s a good name. (Especially if her super power is to shrink hemorrhoids or dispense Tucks pads or Preparation H).”

We giggled some more. I asked him her name about five more times that day. Once for my husband’s benefit, once for my mom’s, and several times just ‘cause it’s FUNNY! I think I am going to be making Princess Recto jokes for many, many years to come.

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12 Replies to “Princess Who-What??”

  1. How funny! That show is the best. Jacob and Ellie like it so much that I actually started homeschooling 1/2 hr. later just so they can watch it. =)

  2. This was too cute! I’m glad to hear that I am not the only one that asks that my son repeat funny things he says! This story reminded me of one of my own that I must share. I think you will get a kick out of it. My son wanted me to put a toy together and I had no idea were to begin. So I told him that we needed to wait for Daddy to get home and he would help us with it. Well my son proceeded to tell me the all I had to do was read the erections! I too lost it. I laughed so hard I hurt! Then of course I asked him again what it was I needed to read. The erections Mommy! Then again when Daddy got home, I asked him to tell Daddy what he needed to read to know how to put the toy together. You have to read the erections I told you! Boys do say the funniest things!

  3. LOL! That is TOO funny! My kids love that show too, they also like the new show PBS has out called “Word World” it is another reading show. These reading shows are awesome, about time PBS came out with more!

  4. That’s awesome. I love getting Lily to repeat things she says wrong. It’s a sad day when she figures it out and that moment is gone. She always said water boatafloo for water buffalo, but one day just starting saying it right. We are mourning the loss of a good consistent laugh.

  5. Hilarious! I hope you got it on video! My son has the cutest (as in not serious at all so nobody freak on me) speech impediment–I try to capture every funny word on tape before he learns how to say it correctly. My favorite is the hard “c” issue: Tool.

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