Trash Talkin’

This weekend we had some intense Wii bowling matches in the Rapson household. I know, I know, we know how to PARTAY! You see, we had recently discovered that when you reach PRO status on Wii bowling, you get a shiny bowling bowl. It’s sparkly and beautiful and Joshua, Bobby, and I all wanted to get one and KEEP it! Because, alas, you can lose your shiny ball if you start performing badly.

So, we spent much of this weekend in pursuit of the shiny ball. I am happy to say that all three of us are now in possession of one.

Joshua is quite competitive and in his quest for the shiny ball, was starting to trash talk his daddy. Although, his trash talk was more along the lines of “You’re mean!” when Bobby would get a strike, or “You’re not gonna make this shot!”

Bobby decided to up the trash talking ante. He rolled a strike, pointed at Joshua and said, “IN YOUR FACE!”

Joshua thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. So the “IN YOUR FACE”s echoed loud and long for awhile. Even when Joshua missed a spare by just a little, he turned and said to his daddy, “That was ALMOST in your face, so IN YOUR FACE!”

Bobby and I both collapsed in laughter of course! We are such good parents.

Here’s hoping “IN YOUR FACE” didn’t make it’s way to kindergarten today…and if it did, that it won’t make it’s way into the teacher’s earshot!

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5 Replies to “Trash Talkin’”

  1. This just in…Parent Teacher Conference…later this week.

    (Maybe it’s a good thing you’re not home-schooling!!!)

  2. It was almost in Bobby’s face, so Joshua just “rounds up” to a full blown IN YOUR FACE! THAT IS HILARIOUS! LOVE IT!

  3. That SO sounds like our house! So funny.

    Oh, and you know how hard it is to get pro status? My 5-year-old got it… IN BOXING! Have you done the boxing? Exhausting! And he’s done it enough to be a pro! He’s much more fit than I am…

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