Weekly Winners Christmas Edition

We had a really fun Christmas Day. We started out with presents at our house and then Bobby made us a pancake breakfast! Mmm Mmm! Then, we went to my paternal grandparents’ house for lunch and then my maternal grandmother’s for dinner. Even though it was the first time I didn’t get to see Emily (loser!) on Christmas Day in pretty much, FOREVER, I still managed to have a jolly time. Here are the highlights!

Sophie lovin’ on her brother
she loves him

I make double appearance in the ornaments
two Jennys

Joshua crazyface
silly boy

They were having a ball playing together! It was really cute.
extreme sibling revelry

Sophie’s pretty little Christmas Dress
Christmas Dress

My FAVORITE part of this Christmas was that there was a beautiful RAINBOW (even though there was no rain) in the sky in the late afternoon! We saw it when we were driving from one grandma’s to the other and we stopped to take some pictures. When we got to my maternal Grandma’s, it was still in the sky literally across the street from her house. So I took some MORE pics. I took a ton, but these two were my favorite.

there was a RAINBOW on CHRISTMAS!!

sunshine & rainbow on Christmas Day

I just felt like this rainbow was a special gift from God, reminding me to remember that Christmas is really all about the birth of His Son, and the promise He made to provide a Savior for His people.

I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas! For more great pics, check out the Weekly Winners HQ at Sarcastic Mom.

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10 Replies to “Weekly Winners Christmas Edition”

  1. those are fantastic shots! I love your take on the rainbow and I adore the sibling love.
    Glad y’all had a blessed Christmas, I hope the New Year brings you lots of blessings, love and magic.

  2. I saw the rainbow pics on your flickr site. How odd and awesome all at the same time! I guess that’s Ohio weather and God for you!

  3. ♥ the 1st one~so precious! The other kiddie ones are cute. ♥ your reflection in 2 ornaments. You are SO right in your last paragraph~& the rainbow was definitely a sign 😉

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