Happy Birthday Kate!

Em is a little under the weather (mastitis- ouch!!) so I am taking the liberty to post for her in celebration of Kate’s fourth birthday. (Em, when you are feeling up to it, feel free to butt in to this post or make your own!)

The anticipation of Kate’s birth was very exciting for me because a) I had NO IDEA whether she was a boy or a girl (thanks Em!), and b) I had just had Joshua and was so excited for Emily to experience the wonder of being a mom. I cried when Emily’s sister Anna called to tell me Kathryn Elizabeth had been born. Then I got Joshua ready to go as fast as I could, picked up Anna, and drove to the hospital. I was so flustered I turned the wrong way off the highway and had to turn around! I couldn’t wait to see that baby!

She was a real sight to see. She had so much black hair. It was just beautiful! And he had the longest fingers I have ever seen on a baby. And she was absolutely perfect.


All my newborn pics of Kate are stored on a CD somewhere, so I wanted to share this one with you. It was taken at Em’s & my Grandma’s 80th birthday party, a couple weeks before Kate turned 1. Kate was and is still a very gregarious kid, and by this time she had already been walking for two months, while my Joshua at 14 months was still too chicken to try it! I remember her running around everywhere at this party, trying to keep up with the big kids. She was so cute.

Kate, I’ve always loved the way you’ve grabbed life by the horns, ever since you were born. I love the way you tell it like it is, the way you make everything exciting, the way you sing, the way you dance, and your penchant for all things princess. I love that you are such a good friend to your cousin Joshua, such a joy to your parents, your Papa, and your two great-Grandmas.

You are a pretty cool kid, and I’m really glad you are part of my family!

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