I am still too braindead to blog…

So I am going to post pictures instead! Here’s a few recent ones of our little guy (and our big girl).

Somehow my perception of “gentle” is a bit different than Kate’s. Perhaps that’s why Joshua used to burst into tears at the sight of her…

Isn’t that shirt funny? I guess “old man” is all the rage in infantwear this year.

My guys.

His eyes were open during daylight hours. I had to take a picture!

Sam in the Moby Wrap at the playground.

And my favorite picture yet…

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12 Replies to “I am still too braindead to blog…”

  1. Oh my gosh!! He is so cute Em! I can’t believe it’s been like 10 days since I have seen him! I can’t wait to get home and get my hands on him!

  2. The pics are so big I can’t see without moving the page over. Any way to make them smaller. He’s adorable from what I can see!!

  3. Emily- He is so beautiful! You have two of the most adorable kids I’ve ever seen. I’m so happy for you, and I’m glad that labor went so smoothly for you (I can’t imagine wanting to play cards!)

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