It’s good for your eyeballs.

Last night, as I was putting Kate to bed, she looked at me and said with all seriousness, “Mommy, ice cream is good for you.”

“It is?” I asked.

“Yes. It’s good for your eyeballs.”

Who could argue with that?

I watched her for a few moments in silence, and then said “You are the greatest kid I have ever met.”

“You’ve met me a million times, Mommy. You live with me.”

As I sat there and cracked up, she looked at me, unamused, and said “You can go to your own room now.”

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10 Replies to “It’s good for your eyeballs.”

  1. That is too cute!!!!!!! I just love it when my son who is almost 3 says things to me like that. You just never know what they are going to say to you to melt your heart. Children are just great, I can’t imagine life without them.

  2. Cute! I love it when my son decides he’s done with me and orders me away: Mr. Independence. But hate it too–what happened to my sweet baby? Absolutely Bananas just posted a thoughtful article on this.

  3. What a cutie! You and Jen are destined to be outsmarted by your kids. I can see it coming.

    Love ya’

    Aunt Diane

  4. I have a great ice cream story myself: When I was a kid, my dad only spanked me once (my mom, however, is another story all together.) I don’t recall what I had done…probably nothing because I was a saint. But for whatever reason he did, and I ran upstairs, leapt onto my bed and cried. About twenty minutes later, my dad, feeling bad about what he had done (as he should’ve) came upsatirs and asked me if I wanted to go for ice cream. I said, “Yes.” That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog yesterday Emily! You’re welcome anytime.

  5. You totally inspired me to blog about my son kicking me out of his room the other night! Though I didn’t get a nice conversation about ice cream first!

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