Kate’s famous!

Or perhaps “notorious” would be a more apt description.

Back in June, I wrote a post about Kate’s obsession with her belly button, complete with pictures. Somewhat in jest, I wrote this:
“Today I was actually contemplating calling the pediatrician to see if it’s possible for her to do permanent damage to her body, but I just couldn’t bring myself to pick up the phone and say “Um hi, I was just wondering if it’s possible for my daughter to untie her belly button… what? No, this is not a prank call! Why do I care if your refrigerator is running? Hello????” So I guess I will just wait and see and call 911 if she draws blood.”

Well, it turns out that I do need to call the pediatrician!

Our good friend and faithful commenter Karen suggested I email my question to her husband, Dr. Mike of Pediacast.org, and see what he thought. In this morning’s edition of his podcast, he answered my question (although he made it clear that he can’t diagnose Kate based on a blog post!).

Dr. Mike said that she might either currently have or had at some point had an umbilical hernia, which is usually not a problem but can sometimes become one. And since I have this
“A Hypochondriac’s Key to Worst-Case Scenarios” hanging up in my cubicle at work, needless to say I am a tad bit freaked out!

So I guess we will need to get this checked out – here I thought it was just a manifestation of one of the many neuroses she no doubt inherited from me and her father, but it could really be a medical condition! Actually now that I think about it, I’m not sure if that’s bad news after all!

A big thanks to Dr. Mike for taking time out of his busy schedule (busy as in moving-across-the-country-in-a-few-days busy) to read my crazy ramblings and alert me to this situation. And in a wondeful coincidence, the segment on the podcast immediately preceeding Kate’s belly button was his take on the Ferber method. It brought tears of relief to my eyes, and I am not even kidding. I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear it.

And now I am off to call the pediatrician to tell her that Kate is unbuttoning her belly button.

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4 Replies to “Kate’s famous!”

  1. I had an umbilical hernia when I was four. From what I remember it did require surgery, but it was not a super big deal (although, now I realize that it probably was a big deal from my parents).

  2. Just out of curiosity, what was his take on the Ferber method? It’s not right for our family, but I know it does work for some families… I was just curious what someone you know & respect thinks….

    Umbilical hernias are rare – don’t get worried yet! It really is possible that she just really likes her belly button, too 🙂

  3. OMG! That’s crazy! My daughter does the same thing!!! I think I might get it checked out now. We’re always telling her to be nice to her button = not squeezing it. She started with just having her finger in it occasionally, which was kind of cute. Now it’s squeezing the little bugger by inching and twisting it on both sides – yeoww! It never even occured to me that something could be wrong. Where’d ya say you got that little dial:)???

  4. Ace has an umbilical hernia, and has had it since birth. The doctors said his should heal by the time he is 18 months. Well, he is 18 months and is no better…so we’re getting a referral for a surgeon to get it fixed. Scary stuff, but they say the surgery is a walk in the park.

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