My Girl.

Tonight when I finally got home from Kate’s swim meet zomg it was almost 10:00 and picked up my computer, Photo Booth was up on the screen. For those of you who are PCs, Photo Booth is Mac’s software that uses the computer’s camera to take pictures and put crazy effects on them. Kate’s always messing around with Photo Booth, and I’ve never paid a whole lot of attention to the pictures and videos she takes, but tonight I happened to flip through them, and let me tell you – I was cracking up.

The videos are hysterical – they are like iCarly meets the Blair Witch Project.

Because I am not talented enough to figure out how to post the videos, pictures will have to do. Here are a few of Kate’s self-portraits that I found.

The girl’s not short on personality. I loved finding Kate’s photos and videos not only for my own (and your) entertainment, but because they so perfectly capture who she is. They are so very Kate, and I’m glad to have that on record.

I love that girl!

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6 Replies to “My Girl.”

  1. love this post! i don’t know how to post pictures to your comments section so i posted them on your facebook page. kate left a couple of nuggets on my computer this weekend. there are also two videos!

  2. You can upload the videos to YouTube and then embed them on the blog in the html section. When you click “share” on YT, you will see the “embed” button. Click that and it will give you code that you can copy and paste on the blog. That’s what I do for my blogs. Go to to see an example in the latest post. If you click the video it will take you right to the agency’s channel.

  3. Wow. I have a mac and don’t know how to do that stuff! She is obviously smart, adorable, and hilarious! Just like her momma!

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