C’mon Get Happy

Image from Cullinan Cakes

Recently a study in the UK determined that people are happiest at age 33.

That is convenient for me, because I turn 33 on Monday.

Basically the theory is that at 33, people are old enough to know better but young enough to… I don’t know. Have fun, or something.

Psychologist Donna Dawson says that, at 33, “We have yet to develop the cynicism and world-weariness that comes with later years.”

Somehow I doubt that part is applicable me – I’ve never been short on cynicism – but I can see the theory to be true. I am feeling pretty good about my life these days.

(Yes I did just double my prozac dosage, why do you ask?)

I think 33 is going to be a pretty good year.

At what age do you think you were – or will be – happiest?

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7 Replies to “C’mon Get Happy”

  1. 33 was my hardest year because it’s the year I went through all the hard stuff with Sophie. I feel like maybe this big one coming up will be my best yet! I hope you have a great one, I’ll TRY and be nice so you can achieve true happiness, GEEZ.

  2. I turn 33 in August and get to quit my job then, so I predict it will be a good year.

  3. I’m thinking 43 – cause both boys will be able to drive and I can stop spending hours in the van every day!! Not that my 2 hours in the van today feels like wasted time or anything…….

  4. I am very happy at 33! I’ve been a wife for almost 8 years, I have a grown (21) step son that lives on his own. And I have a 3 year old son. And I get to stay at home, which I LOVE!!! 33 is great:-)

  5. I really find my late 30’s even better than my early 30’s. And everyone of my friends who has hit 40 says your early 40’s are the best. So I am just going to say it keeps getting better!! Happy Birthday 🙂

  6. At my age, I’m happy to have a birthday, any day. Having said that, 33 was great for me. I became a dad for the first time when I was 33. And, my Mother was 33 when I was born. Which I think is kinda neat.

    So, happy 33rd, Em. Hope it’s a great day.


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