The Blur

Sometimes life seems to fly by; blink and your newborn is trading his swaddle for a backpack. Other times the days slide by in slow agony, like when your children pass a cold or an ear infection back and forth and by the time it’s run through your whole family, a month has gone by but you feel like you’ve aged ten years. (A month of sick children is like six months in mom years, right?)

And then sometimes things are just a timeless blur. Time is ticking, the world is turning, but somehow things don’t seem to change. Preschool drop-off, pick-up, clean house, make dinner, little league game, swim practice, homework, bedtime routine, nurse the baby 4,000 times in the middle of the night, alarm goes off way before you’re ready, rinse and repeat.

Things are a bit blurry for me right now. Every day is a slightly modified version of the day before, til the weekend comes and provides a little variety and clarity.

Every day there is lots of joy, but there is also lots of exhaustion. And not a teeny bit of confusion. But along with the early-onset dementia, there are baby kisses and crazy dances from the big kids and family wii bowling tournaments, and if it’s a blur, at least the colors that whirl by as time flashes before my eyes are mostly bright. For that, I am thankful.

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