The Big 1-0

Today is our 10th wedding anniversary.

I’m writing this on a lounge chair on the beach – we are celebrating by spending a week in Cabo.

Ok, that’s not true. I’m writing this on my couch, and we are celebrating by going out to dinner.

Ah, the glamorous lives of parents of small children.

Anyway, we have been really excited about our anniversary for the last couple of weeks, and it’s been fun to think back and reminisce about our wedding. We absolutely loved our wedding – it was the perfect day, really.

But as happy as we were then, we are even happier now. Which makes me really, uh, happy.

Yeah, so enough with the sap.

I will leave you with the sage words of wisdom Jenny bestowed upon me regarding our anniversary:

“just don’t play trivial pursuit and then get knocked up like i did”

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12 Replies to “The Big 1-0”

  1. Jenny, that must have been a ‘winner take all’ game! Emily and Andy, happy 10th. We just celebrated our 23rd (wow) by moving our daughter out of her dorm and driving 7 hours. glamorous.

  2. Congrats Em & Andy! Cheers to 10 years. You guys are awesome & Chad & I miss hanging out with you! I think Chad misses Andy’s super cool light saber the most…that sounds a little dirty! Ha! Have fun!

  3. Congrats!

    We’re coming UP on 34 in October, or as I like to say, “We got married in 1977 and have had 12 happy years of marriage.” No one else around here thinks that’s funny but me!

    And, I’ve played a great deal of Trivial Pursuit, but I frankly don’t remember that “category”…what version is that?


    1. OH, BTW, we celebrated our 25th anniversary in the Emergency Room with Donovan’s appendicitis attack. Very romantic.

  4. Happy 10th! We are celebrating our 5th tomorrow…and I hope to not get knocked Jo as well 🙂

  5. Congrats! I remember several things from that day and the days/weeks leading up to that day…wax burning on my fingers, tri-folding, almost having my dress over my head because it was SO HOT that day, pretty sure the record was set on the heat that day in Oxford, getting cheesecake, dancing with your dad in your front lawn to some bluegrass and waking up the next morning trying to figure out how in the world my car got to your house in the first place and Craig dumping beer down the front of my dress at the reception..OH and Jamey Vincent striking a pose in the middle of the dance floor!
    Great times, great memories and I hope to share MANY more!! Love you both!!

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