Eight Minutes that will Change Your Life

A few weeks ago on the first night of our family vacation, my brother Andy was touting a video he wanted us to watch after the kids went to bed. You know, the kind of video that is for adults only. Sound dirty? Well, actually, it was clean. Really clean. And freakin’ hilarious. What follows here is quite possibly the funniest unintentional comedy you’ve ever seen! It is a real promotional video for a real product! It is truly worth right minutes of your time, but I gotta warn you, you will laugh, you might cry, and maybe, just maybe you’ll have a need for this product at the end of the video!!

You’re Welcome! And thanks to my nerdy brother for this hilarious find!

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10 Replies to “Eight Minutes that will Change Your Life”

  1. I think it’s so funny how they try to make this product seem, well, classy… but they keep saying BUTT!

    Do I even want to know how Andy stumbled upon this?

  2. Ok, which marketing genius decided that “CleanButt” was a good name?

    A wireless remote??? WHY? How far away are you planning on going from this thing???

    It LEARNS your usage pattern??? Ok, I so totally don’t want my toilet predicting when I have to go!!!

    We actually saw one of these at the Parade of Homes. Not this brand, but similar. We giggled of course!!! My thought was “what if you’re in the middle of the wash cycle and a kid starts screaming, and you don’t have time for a dry cycle???”

  3. I have way too many images floating through my head right now. Plus, the word “butt.” CleanButt? Seriously. And I don’t care what kind of voice you have, saying the word “butt” smoothly and calmly doesn’t help.

    Too funny!

  4. And for only $549 it can be yours (or $649 if you want the wireless remote)! I could buy a whole heck of a lot of toilet paper for that amount. Can’t you just imagine our kids playing with these? The bathroom floor and their clothes would constantly be wet. And the enema function? No thank you!

  5. Hilarious!! My husband is standing by, cracking up! He said the only thing missing was the celebrity testimonials =)…thanks for sharing!

  6. I have to say that there are some really funny marketing guys over at Clean Butt Headquaters. I cannot imagine the fun the video production comany had making this thing. Only in America..well Maybe in France where the “Bout Propre” is a big hit. And yeah I am with Karen..I do not want my toilet learning my patterns. I really do not want to have some guilt trip thrown at me from my bathroon fixtures because I have gotten a little “irregular” and “off schedule”.

  7. “I don’t know how I lived before without my clean butt!”

    Ha ha ha that is too hilarious. Ok so I agree the product is probably good but, that commercial is awful. When they whipped out the enima spray I almost lost it.

  8. I cannot believe someone was able to narrate this without cracking up. Too funny!!!

    And strange all at the same time.

    Thanks for the laugh!


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