It’s better to be P’ed off than P’ed on

Jonah shoulders

One of the first things I thought to myself when it sunk in that I was having a third child back in the spring of 2010 was, “I do NOT want to potty train a third child!”

I am pretty much the worst potty trainer ever.

Be that as it may, this week I decided to start potty training Jonah. I don’t know why exactly, I have just been itching to get him trained before he starts preschool in January. And, since it took me a r-e-a-l-l-y long time to train the other two, I figured I might as well start now.

From the get-go, it was pretty apparent that Jonah has no idea physiologically what is going on. So basically he’s just been peeing everywhere for the better part of three days. The last two times he peed on the floor yesterday (out of like, 12 times) he said, “pee pee floor”. Um, is that progress?

I’m trying not to let anything get me down, since potty training Sophie was honestly one of the lowest points of my life. I’m trying just not to let myself go there.

So far, I’m just glad that me, myself, and I have been mostly dry, and that so far all the pee has been on the floor and and not on the furniture.

And that Jonah didn’t pee all over my neck when he decided to climb on my shoulders last night.

Wish me luck…I for sure am gonna need it.

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2 Replies to “It’s better to be P’ed off than P’ed on”

  1. I read the Sophie episode. That was a rough time alright. This is your last potty training gig…and you will feel rich…no more $ going for diapers. Sorry, Pampers!

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