Whaddya know, we’re all still alive!

So a week ago I was in the depths of despair. And I really appreciate all your kind comments on that post. You made me cry, and cry, and cry. But of course, it’s a known fact that I am both a crybaby and emotionally unstable. Heh.

Anyhoo, a week later I am proud to report that we are ALL doing much better! Sophie is pretty much house-trained as far as the potty goes. And she even stays dry when we go out, she just doesn’t want to use any other potty but her little potty and she prefers that it be located in our living room. But THAT I can deal with! She goes when she needs to go, and I am sure by the time preschool starts she will be using potties other than ours. She has even been dry a couple times overnight! She hasn’t had an accident since Saturday. She is enjoying wearing big-girl panties and of course, flushing. I am SO proud of her!


(Like so many of us, Sophie enjoys a good read on the potty. Here she is playing with her VTech V.Reader. Have you entered to win one for your kids yet? We’re giving one away! Enter here!)

I hurt my back pretty badly last Friday, so I haven’t done much this week except keep the kids alive – take Joshua to swimming lessons, and make sure they eat a couple of times a day.  My house is still an atrocious mess but we are all much happier.

Progress is progress, and I’ll take it!

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4 Replies to “Whaddya know, we’re all still alive!”

  1. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so glad things are looking up. And, OH YES, the flushing and the big girl panties are big at our house, too. Still. Princess panties are the best, but Elmo panties are a close second. And flushing of any kind is exciting. Annalyn gets so annoyed at public toilets that flush automatically. “Why it flush by itself, Mommy? I flush it? Why I can’t flush it?”

  2. Nice work and very cute picture. Sophie is going to be THRILLED when you show that at her high school graduation and/or wedding. Glad you got through your week intact!

  3. Oh, I’m sooo glad.

    I went to read your comments on your linked post, and they made me cry, as well! Especially emily from the STL’s post. Wow.

    Consistency and dedication are paying off!

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