Inquiring Minds Want to Know

It has been really fun, and funny, over the past couple of weeks, for me to see Joshua’s curiosity about my pregnancy growing.  He wasn’t all that excited at first (direct quote: “That’s nothing exciting. It’s about a new toy or anything.”)  but now he is on Team Baby.  And at six, he has some good questions.

He asks me pretty much ever day “How big is the baby now?”  And he’s never satisfied with the teeny-tiny dimensions I make with my fingers.

“How will we know when it gets bigger?”  he asks.

“Well, mommy’s belly will start to get bigger,” I answer.  “Just like cousin Anna’s.”  (My cousin is 7 months pregnant and we just saw her Sunday, on Mother’s Day.)

“What? I didn’t know cousin Anna had a big belly!”

“Joshua, we just saw her Sunday at Grandma’s!”

“I didn’t notice!”

Oy. Boys.

Yesterday he patted my belly and said, “How will we know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

Uhhhh….I thought we had this figured out LONG AGO, kid!!

“Well, you know how your pee-pee looks different from Sophie’s,” I explained and he nodded, “When the baby’s born, the doctor looks at what kind of pee-pee it has, and that’s how you know if it’s a boy or a girl.”

“Ohhhh, right!”

I then explained to him, that if you’re not CRAZY, like SOME PEOPLE, the doctor can sometimes take a picture of the baby in the mommy’s belly when it gets big enough, and see what kind of pee-pee it has in the picture, and you can know if it’s a boy or a girl before it’s born. He thought that was pretty cool!

And also?  If it’s a boy?  He likes the name “Scar”.

It’s going to be a fun 7 1/2 months!

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7 Replies to “Inquiring Minds Want to Know”

  1. About three hours after you told me the “pee pee” story yesterday, Kate and I had pretty much the *exact* same conversation. She asked me what happens if the baby isn’t turned the right way and they can’t see, and I told her I was hoping that’s what Cousin Jenny’s baby would do.

    LOVE the open letter you linked to, that was a classic.

  2. If I ever have a kid I don’t want to find out its sex, but I’m totally impatient and always want to know with my friends/family!! Can’t wait to find out what you’re having, you know if you decide to tell us. Who knows, there may have to be a trip to Ohio in my near future!!!

  3. too fun! He will be very different with this pregnancy than he was with your last AND with the baby….PS…I am secretly hoping the new rapson will be a BOY….to join james, joel, joseph….the youngest of the bunch. (He may need a “J” name to fit in! HAHA. So happy for you!

  4. Emily is getting you back for all of those Masters Degree cracks! (Em, I couldn’t remember where to put the apostrophe in Masters so I left it out!)

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