It’s a….. lizard!

Kate has a little trouble understanding one fact of anatomy… that her ribs are on the inside of her body… no matter what I tell her, she is convinced that her “ribs” are, well, on the surface.

Last night at a local restaurant, we were talking about whether Kate is going to have a brother or a sister (I can feel Jenny’s blood pressure rising right now), and she pointed all around my belly and said “There’s a brother right there, there, there, and there… there’s a sister, there’s a sister…” etc. So I said “What, am I having a litter or something?”

“Yes!! A lizard!! You’re having a lizard!” she said excitedly, as she went back to prodding my stomach, this time pointing out where all the lizards were located.

Then she pointed a little, uh, higher. “And that’s where the baby is,” she proclaimed to everyone in earshot. “Right there, where your ribs got bigger.”

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6 Replies to “It’s a….. lizard!”

  1. Kids say the most hilarious stuff. I always said I should have written a book while I was teaching preschool. Maybe when my little one learns to talk, I will.

    Kate sounds like she’s quite the character!

  2. So funny! Jacob used to always say that ladies had big ribs and I didn’t think anything of it until we were at Friendly’s one day and he pointed to one of the older ladies in the booth behind us and said (rather loudly) that she had big ribs. Turns out when he said “ribs”, he actually meant “breasts”. Thankfully, the ladies didn’t know what he meant, but Nathan and I wanted to crawl under the table. Even now, Jacob says that when I nurse the baby that I’m feeding her from my ribs. I’ll wait until he’s older for the anatomy lesson!

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