Small Prices… Post-Partum

Since childbirth is the gift the keeps on giving, we’ve extended our list to the post-partum days.

Post-partum Small Prices to Pay for a Miracle

• Night sweats – It’s like taking a bath in your own sweat every night no matter the season. Thanks, hormones! I love not having to wash my hair in the morning! (ummm…just kidding I promise).

• Crying jags – Another gift from the ol’ hormones. Andy told me it was a good thing the childbirth classes prepared him for the “baby blues” (sounds so innocuous, doesn’t it?) because if not he would have thought I was seriously cracking up.

• Sleepless nights – I guess I don’t really need to explain this one. Of course I didn’t get a lot of sleep when I was pregnant either, but no tiny, needy person was screaming at me then. The grass is always greener…

• The six-week long period – Kind of makes up for not having a period for nine months.

• Bad hair days – my hair fell out in such abundance that I thought I was going bald.

• Jello belly – here’s a snippet of an actual conversation I had with a friend about six weeks after Kate’s birth.
Friend: So, are you back to normal?
Me: Kind of, but I have NO stomach muscles at all!
Friend: Oh really? As opposed to the six-pack you had before?
Me: (comment deleted for inappropriate content)

• Rock hard leaky/squirty boobs – I will spare you the details.

• Stretch marks – and lots of them.

• Either A) having something the size of a grapefruit come out an opening the size of a lemon OR B) having a ginormous hole cut in your gut!

But of course, all these wonderful trials are worth it. They are. Really.

Remind me of that when and if I ever get up the nerve to go through it again, ok?

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5 Replies to “Small Prices… Post-Partum”

  1. When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter I was terribly sick (so much I had to be hospitalized for some time during my first trimester, and visited the ER regularly with what was misdiagnosed as either severe heart burn and/or kidney stones). Lo and behold, after she was born I continued to be sick, quite regularly and violently. Six weeks after her birth I was hospitalized again, with gall stones. My small price to pay was my gall bladder, which was removed just shy of my daughter’s two month birthday.

  2. I have to say that I am going through the ‘OMG, I’m going bald!’ stage. I’m not happy, the bathtub drain is not happy, therefore daddy’s not happy…

  3. Me TOO Leanne! And I didn’t have that with my first child, so, I was quite shocked. YUCK! And my baby’s 8 months old…when will my hair stop falling out??

  4. What I hated the most after having Mitchell was using the “peri bottle” every time I went to the bathroom. What a pain in the butt. You have to wait for the water to warm up to fill the thing and then towel off. Very time consuming!!

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