Bringing Pony Back

Recently, much to my delight, Sophie has gotten into My Little Pony.  I say “much to my delight” because I L-O-V-E-D MLP as a child.  As a matter of fact, my favorite pony was named Morning Glory and I would not purchase her for a friend’s birthday party until AFTER I myself owned her, because I was a selfish little twit!  But I digress.  The point is….

Sophie and I are pony hairstylists!

It all started a couple of months ago when I got her the My Little Pony app for my iPad.  I like it because it has a storybook with games and activities.  There is a My Little Pony TV show but we don’t have the channel it’s on, however, the iPad app and some MLP books we’ve bought or received got her excited about the product.  So for her birthday, as soon as she got some birthday money from great-grandma, she bought herself some MLP!  We went to Target and picked out this:

Apple Jack's Sweet Apple Barn

It’s a very cute playset.  Nothing earth-shattering, but very fun for pretend.  Sophie loves putting things in Apple Jack’s cart, conversing with Apple Jack’s farm creature pals, and of course, stylin’ her hair!

She likes to do donuts on my dining room floor

Sophie also got a couple other My Little Pony things for her birthday – Pinkie Pie’s remote control car, which is LOTS of fun, and I think, a great value for the money, and this super-awesome fashion Pinkie Pie that comes with a TON of hair accessories and is really very fun for any little girl who likes to PILE ON the hair barrettes.  It’s been lots of fun!

Fashion Pinkie Pie. Next season on Project Runway!

So those are some things Sophie got for her birthday, and then because she is such a sweet little girl :), my friends at Hasbro sent her a couple of other MLP surprises! She is now the proud owner of her very own Princess Celestia:

Step aside, mares. The Princess has arrived.

Princess Celestia, is featured prominently in the My Little Pony app that Sophie loves so well, so she is pretty excited about her!  Plus, she TALKS and her wings move!  She lights up! She is pretty much the IT Pony to have.  The Morning Glory of this generation, if you will!  Now I hear that some freaks called “Bronies” (a.k.a men or “Bros” who are rabid fans of the My Little Pony tv show – yes, I am being serious) have their boxers in a bunch because this Celestia is not the same color as she is on TV. To them I say, “Get a job and move out of your mother’s basement.”  I think the doll Celestia is super-fab just the way she is!

Lastly, Hasbro also sent Sophie another playset, which is great because she loves to pretend with the playsets so much!  It’s the Ponyville Schoolhouse, which is awesome because Cheerliee and her teaching skillz are also prominently featured in the MLP app so Sophie can re-enact scenes from it with this set!

All teachers wear glasses! Even Pony teachers!

So, my little girl and I sure are enjoying My Little Pony. If you’re shopping for a little girl this year, put some of these things on your shopping list! And get her what she really wants, so that unlike me, she won’t still be pining over the MLP stable she never got to house her ponies in 25 years later! Ahem.


Hasbro sent me two items to review.  My opinions about them and about all the other products mentioned are my own.

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One Reply to “Bringing Pony Back”

  1. LOL! You sound like my sister, Sara! Too funny. Glad your little girl is getting into MLP. My little girl is starting to out grow them (she’s 12). Enjoy your play time! 🙂

    Stephanie @

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