A Case of the “Mondays”

Going from having one kid to having two kids was a really tough adjustment for me, and the toughness started when I was about seven weeks pregnant and began getting sick. I’d been moderately sick with my first pregnancy, but apparently I hadn’t seen anything yet! My “morning” (HA HA HA HA!!!!) sickness with this pregnancy was horrible, but never was it worse than one particular Monday.

It was Monday May 1, 2006 – the Monday of all Mondays. It was worse than just “a case of the Mondays”. (My favorite quote from Office Space. If you have never seen it, please finish reading this blog, leave a comment, and then go directly to the video store to rent it!) For starters, I puked in a whole new locale for me – the shower!! That was exciting and oh-so- convenient. What a way to start the day. It really is impossible to feel clean after you’ve just puked in the shower. So that was about 6:45 a.m., then I hit the toilet and puked again about 7:30. I was still working at the time, and on the way to work, I started seeing stars – little silvery, squiggly things. This made driving veeery interesting. These stars were accompanied by a really bad headache, and by the time I arrived at work, I had pretty much convinced myself that I was near death. Once there, I called my doc, who said I was probably dehydrated and to drink lots of fluids and to “take it as easy as possible.” This advice didn’t seem nearly urgent enough for me, but whatever. Apparently it was not my day to die.

Now if I had any other job, or if I was working at any of my past jobs, I would’ve been out of there & on my way home as soon as I stopped seeing stars. But, I was working in a place where I was the only one who could do my job, and the success of the business depended on me being there, especially on Mondays because that was the day I trained new employees. So no one said to me “You need to go home.” Because they really couldn’t say that, because then we’d all be screwed. So I toughed it out. Puked 3 times at work (including twice during my training) and laid my head down on my desk whenever I could. Finally at 3:45 when training was complete I hoofed it out of there. My parents, who were watching Joshua, agreed to keep him longer at their house so I could sleep. I slept for about an hour but sickness/hunger woke me up. I puked again about 7:30 pm. Then Bobby and my folks got home with Joshua and they brought me some chicken noodle soup. I ate a little, went back to bed, puked again at 9:45, then fell asleep. For those of you like numbers, I puked seven times in three different locales! Pretty much the best day of my life.

After a few weeks of this, some pathetic begging and one failed try with medication, my OB finally prescribed me a miracle drug called Zofran. It was amazing and I was able to stop puking and start parenting my two-year-old again when I was about 16 weeks pregnant. Now that I’m a stay-at-home mom, Mondays are pretty much like every other day of the week, but I’ll never forget that record-setting Monday last May!

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8 Replies to “A Case of the “Mondays””

  1. I can so relate to that story! I puked at gas stations, on the side of the road, in people’s yards I didn’t know…it was really embarrassing. I remember Jake saying “Mommy puking again?” Thank God for Zofran!! Pregnancy puking is really the worst!

  2. I can relate toooo. I remember taking the kids to school and throwing up in the parking lot during the height of drop off time. ARGH!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh you poor thing! I worked full-time during all 3 of my pregnancies and all I can say is you deserve huge kudos for making it through that Monday (as well as all the rest of them). I don’t know that I could’ve done that, no matter how important the job and how necessary to be there. I’m glad the Zofran helped you!

  4. Okay, I was never given the option of a miracle drug! I threw up over 160 times over the first 3 1/2 months (I stopped counting after 160)! It was terrible. I couldn’t keep ice chips down at one point and had to sit in the hospital for a day so they could shoot me up with fluids. I don’t understand why my doc never mentioned anything! But I’ve heard about the medicine a couple of times now, and since we decided to try and have another baby I won’t leave the doctor’s office without it!
    I am so glad you got it and were able to feel like a mom again. That is one of my biggest concerns with having another one, is how I will be able to care for my 2 year old the same.

  5. I totally know what you mean. Zofran did nothing for me, though. I had to take Phenergan through my first and third trimesters just to be a functioning human being! Of course, that just knocked me out. But, at least I could sleep off the pregnancy!!!

  6. I’m with Lisa. I wish I had a miracle drug. I was hospitalized when I was pregnant I threw up so much! Like Kathy, I stopped counting after 200. I was given phenergan in the hospital which made we well – while I was there. Once I got home it was back to the same routine of praying to the porcelain god.

    I think you guys should have a new post – WORST “MORNING” SICKNESS STORIES and give away a toilet brush as the prize, or barf bags like they have on a plane. But then the hard part for me would be which one to submit? The time I threw up blood and was rushed to the hospital? The time I threw up before and during a wedding in which I was the matron of honor? Throwing up during my gestational diabetes test at the hospital and showering the poor nurse in regurgatated surgary orange syrup? Oh, the memories.

  7. Oh I do know how you feel- I had the worst morning sickness with all three of my pregnancies.. So glad that part of my life is over.


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