NPR Moment

I had an NPR moment today – you know, I sat in my car and kept listening even after I had reached my destination.

It was a piece on Storycorps (“Sharing and preserving the stories of our lives.”), and it was one of the most touching love stories I’ve ever heard.

“When a guy is happily married, no matter what happens at work, no matter what happens in the rest of the day,” Danny said, “there’s a shelter when you get home, there’s a knowledge, knowing that you can hug somebody without them throwing you down the stairs and saying ‘Get your hands off me.’ Being married is like having a color television set, you never want to go back to black and white.” -Danny Perasa

So go listen to it here. It will make your Friday better, I promise!

And while you’re at it, listen to this one about a single dad who raised his infant daughter while earning his college degree.

If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got things to do now. Like listen to every other story on that entire website.

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4 Replies to “NPR Moment”

  1. NPR is the best! I hear something every day that educates me or touches my soul. It is truly one of my favorite things in the world. Love this!

  2. I know this was about NPR, but I love the fact that I have someone to come home to! (Yes, I did end a sentence with a preposition.)

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